WoW saves childrens lives?

I do not recommend "taunting" a moose, even an armor-less one.
The story could have been completely made up by the children just so he can get attention, or other reasons. Not saying it was, just saying it could have been.
Almost forgot "Cool story bro!" :doy:
All he had to do was offer it some chocolate - it works for the Swedish Chef :cool:
He was a hobbit guardian from LoTRO and used the guardian skill "Challenge" to pull agro onto him, in which he then used his hobbit race skill "Feigndeath".
He was a hobbit guardian from LoTRO and used the guardian skill "Challenge" to pull agro onto him, in which he then used his hobbit race skill "Feigndeath".
Fuck LOTRO that kid knows his MMOs well. Also old news. and csb.
Fuck LOTRO that kid knows his MMOs well. Also old news. and csb.
Malinax, you hold 2nd place for the most posts made on these forums and yet, 99% of everything you've posted is negativity. It's not really giving this board much of a good reputation. ;]
I'd say "fuck WoW", but that would be ignorant of myself. It's not WoW that I hate...It's the annoying/immature players.

I in-fact, love the mature adult crowd that play LoTRO. One of the main reasons I play it is due too the community.