
Well-Known Member
this here is an indepth look at Ms.Peaches, and what she does when she is not snorting lines of coke
It's used as a torture technique on the inmates at Guantanamo Bay, it's fact they can't stand the soapy water.
Basically, a guy impersonating a girl takes a bath in a very ghetto bathtub, while having a kid with her outside of the tub. whilst she is in the tub, she somehow also co-exists in various things, such as a dumpster, a porta-potty, on the highway, in a treehouse. All while still somehow waving her arms with a bunch of kids she/he's sexually attracted to. Oh, and she has blue, green, and blond hair.
Obviously, Mrs. Peaches here, is taking an exfoliating bath while children sing about it, in Shreveport, Louisiana. Washing her "booty".
Whatever that means.