Xbox 360 or PS3?


New Member
Hey all, my fiance is wanting an Xbox360 or PS3, based on performance, visual output, sound quality of games, etc. what should I go with? Thanks!!!!!
If you feel like you can't pay for the monthly live subscription, go with ps3. But if you want a more stable online community/service go with Xbox. Also you might want to bring in the fact that PS3 can play blu rays and Xbox cannot. Xbox also has Kinect (which is way better than Playstation move IMO) its all based on what you want, and what you want it to do.
Ok, well people will be sexist on both consoles, If you're playing call of duty. It's all about the game. But the Xbox tends to have a tad bit nicer community because people are paying for the service. The sexist stereotype only really applies to COD. Play any other game and you'll be fine. And you never have to use a microphone you know.
Basing on performance, go with Xbox 360. PS3 has quite a funky way of operating and updating.

I'm not entirely certain that visual output or sound quality differs all that much between the two. Both can be HDMI, and both have the option for optical audio, so they're pretty much equal in that respect.

Though PS3 games tend to be a bit lacking in the graphics department, due to game developers not really knowing how to work with the it. PS3 is actually far more powerful than the Xbox 360, but Xbox 360 still has games looking better on it, since PS3 is too complex to program for very well.
Thanks all, I'll happily keep this in mind so I can surprise him. (And since we're on a limited budget for our wedding) ;)
Xbox also has Kinect (which is way better than Playstation move IMO) its all based on what you want, and what you want it to do.

Having played with both the Kinect and the Move at the EB Expo I will say that Move is really good for games where you are holding an item like a sword or a sporting implement. The Kinect is good for everything else and is more fun in general.
I have a ps3 and it has messed up multiple times. So which ever you get, make sure you get a 2+ year warranty on it.
Ps3 FTW!! all though i do not own an xbox i have heard that they are good. but if u want free online go with the ps3. Have a clunky settop box? no need for it with a ps3. u can get a playtv! it is a system that connects to the ps3 and enable you to watch live tv right on you playstation. i for one hated having a settopbox but i found that the playtv is great. so if you are sick of changing av's then i suggest play tv. but if u have a built in hd thing then i suggest forgetting about the play tv. any way i am rambling so i don't know much things about the xbox but ps3's have plenty of awesome features.
XBox 360:

Largest Library of Games
Great (sometimes) online community
Awesome deals on games via XBox Live Marketplace
Packed to the gills with features, and new dashboard makeovers every november.
Best controller

Textures compressed to the extreme due to small capacity media
Payment for Xbox Live (not that much of a con, just pay by the year)
Call of Duty community consist of children


Blu-Ray player built in, also true 1080p output on videos
Internet Browser built in
Higher (slightly) texture output due to 30GB Blu-Ray media
Uncompressed sound due to Blu-Ray
Free online community (but not as content rich)
PS Move

Online community always under attack
Most expensive console and accessories
Poor content delivery
Most likely to cause burn in on plasmas (just something i noticed from use)
Ugliest console (new version)
Terrible Controller
froggytoggy said:
Hey all, my fiance is wanting an Xbox360 or PS3, based on performance, visual output, sound quality of games, etc. what should I go with? Thanks!!!!!

Xbox 360. Easily. PS3 games are expensive. And 360 has better games

Also you get what you pay for... So psn is pretty much nothing since its slow and boring, and the people suck worse than xbox live.

Also halo @_@
Coming from a girl, when I play on Xbox360 online and I feel like there are more a-holes on Xbox360 which is why I play on the PS3 more often. BUT there are still some immature pricks on there too.

It's really all about personal preference as mentioned. What types of games she'd prefer to play etc.

I also like the PS3 controller better, I have small hands and it fits more comfortable than the Xbox controller. But again this is just a personal opinion. I have both consoles so I don't have this issue >.<