
Well-Known Member
Ahoy, me hearties! A finer bunch of lads and lasses never been seen on the open seas.

Th' day be Yappin' Like a Pirate Day, an' I suggest ye be gettin' to th' yappin', lest ye face the bosun!

In this 'ere thread, I 'spect ye to be talkin' like yer under th' black flag. I be makin' two laws 'ere.

1. Talk like yer a pirate o' th' 'ighest caliber.
2. Be contributin' to th' ol' shanty I be startin'.

Heave, ho; up she rises
Heave, ho; up she rises
Heave, ho; up she rises
Earl-aye in tha mornin'

What do you do wit' a drunken sailor
What do you do wit' a drunken sailor
What do you do wit' a drunken sailor
Earl-aye in tha mornin'

Shave 'is belly wit' a rusty razor
Shave 'is belly wit' a rusty razor
Shave 'is belly wit' a rusty razor
Earl-aye in tha mornin'

Heave, ho; up she rises
Heave, ho; up she rises
Heave, ho; up she rises
Earl-aye in tha mornin'

Now it be up to tha crew t' continue th' words. If ye can't be imaginin' yer own, ask yer grandpa.
Oy Oy Oy !

Keep it down will ye? Ah be avin' a blisterin' eadache wit all ye yappin about pirates an' the devil be chasing me with is' boomstick to ELL' WITH YOU.

Ah be retirin' back to me quarters when ye' fine gentlemen start learnin' some manners right an' proper !
To all ye landlubbers that think ye can jump ship on this thread, ye be fools, one and all!
Any lad or lass that think they be too 'proper' for a pirate talkin, I be shootin ya right now with me trusty flintlock!
Now ta all me shipmates in ta thread, buck up lads, and lets have some rum!
To all ye landlubbers that think ye can jump ship on this thread, ye be fools, one and all!
Any lad or lass that think they be too 'proper' for a pirate talkin, I be shootin ya right now with me trusty flintlock!
Now ta all me shipmates in ta thread, buck up lads, and lets have some rum!