You probably know where this is going


Well-Known Member
Ok, I know you have seen people saying they are leaving T9K for either a little while or a long while. And, this is my thread for it. Why? Well, I need to be geting my priorities straight, as I have straight low B's in school, and Minecraft is taking a lot of time that I could be studying and making my grades better. That, however, is not the main reason though. Nope, this is the main reason: PONIES. I was thinking that there are only going to be a few banners and threads and crap like that, then I saw this:
There's only 237 banners left in my planned header rotation. I'll see you when they're done :)
And so I'm all, Wooty:

So yeah... I'll still be on Minecraft, you guys can see me there, but I will be not active on the forums. I will get on from time to time, but don't expect to see me here much. If I'm not on Minecraft, I'm probably reliving the Good-ol-days and make a new character on Runescape.
Don't start making rash decisions your going to regret. Sure the ponies are a little annoying and they aggravate me to no end, but would you rather leave the forums for awhile or post some more with your bros. I couldn't go a day without at least getting on this site for a quick glance at the latest news and random trolls that pass by everyday. Just deal with it, at least there are Doritos in this one! Wooty is most likely joking about "237" banners left, I mean, do you really think he could make that many and still find time for non-pony related things?

Just chill and have fun, the bronies have been keeping to themselves in their respective threads and have held up their part of the bargain. Hopefully you don't leave like the many before you, take some time and think it over!
Yeah they are starting to get old for me too. It just seems like most of these "I am leaving the forums" threads are just ways of certain people to express their feelings and kind of give an ultimatum: Either the ponies go, or we go.

Obviously the ponies will eventually go... Just hang in there man. If someone is rubbing it in your face by all means send them a message and tell them to back off. Other than that, patience is a virtue.
the bronies have been keeping to themselves in their respective threads and have held up their part of the bargain.
That's just the thing, they always tend to someway creep into a lot of threads, either one reference/ picture or a full-blown pony attack. I've made my decision, I'll still be seeing people on Minecraft ;)
The 3rd season is in production, and they are just starting season 2.

They'll be here for a Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong Time.

I thought there was a Downloadable script the remove the banner anyway?
You have straight Bs in school? If I had an equivalent over here in Hong Kong I'd have straight As. Seriously. I got a scholarship.
You have straight Bs in school? If I had an equivalent over here in Hong Kong I'd have straight As. Seriously. I got a scholarship.
I play minecraft for seven hours a day, and I have straight A's in honors/ IB classes.
Thank you guys for your valuable input on the subject. That is you guys, I'm not you. You might be doing as good as usual. Great. I'm not.
Thanks for the offer, but I think I got it. The only "hard" class I'm taking is AP Government/ politics, and that is mainly a shitload of reading