Your chance to oppose SOPA

Saving the interwebs.PNG
No, we already fought them to prevent them from limiting internet usage, doing it again for censorship would be like a hot knife thru butter
Congress, as in USA Congress? Please, they have no say over my internet here in Canada..
Try again. This bill could, in theory, shut down the vast majority of the US-based sites out there. Mixlr, Soundcloud, Twitter....would cripple Facebook (not kill it, since they're actually opening a server farm in northern Canada), the list goes on.
Try again. This bill could, in theory, shut down the vast majority of the US-based sites out there. Mixlr, Soundcloud, Twitter....would cripple Facebook (not kill it, since they're actually opening a server farm in northern Canada), the list goes on.
Exactly. Where do you think most of the websites you visit are hosted at??? Take a guess.