Your First Gaming Experience!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys its Camevil here. Just wondering what was all of you first gaming experiences.
Mine was Jak and Daxter the precursor legacy for the Playstation 2. God i love that game and I still have it to this day :D
This is a pic of the cover of Jak and Daxter the precursor legacy


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Went to friends house, found his Nintendo 64 all hooked up and put in Pokemon Stadium and played it for half an hour and during that half our my friend was looking for me. I lost 5 battles in that time. :D
i don't recall what games were those exactly but i do know they were on the sega genesis, and they were awesome! :D
My first games were on the Sega Genesis,at my aunts house, mainly Sonic 1. I beat Sonic I when I was about 8 :D Also there was a beatem'up that I can't remember the name of.
Super mario brothers (2 and 3 more than anything). I have always raged hard over video games and still do. When I was 6 or so it was so bad my mom literally thew away the games, console and controllers..... In the trashcan. Didn't give em away, sell them, no. In the trashcan.

In my adult life I have been through 5 or 6 xbox controllers from breaking them. One time I broke a controller and took halo 3 out of the console and snapped it in half. They should probably put me on xanax or something...
Super mario brothers (2 and 3 more than anything). I have always raged hard over video games and still do. When I was 6 or so it was so bad my mom literally thew away the games, console and controllers..... In the trashcan. Didn't give em away, sell them, no. In the trashcan.

In my adult life I have been through 5 or 6 xbox controllers from breaking them. One time I broke a controller and took halo 3 out of the console and snapped it in half. They should probably put me on xanax or something...
I've broken more ps2 controllers than i care to admit :D
I don't remember what my FIRST gaming experience was, but the first one that firmly sits in my mind(I know this wasn't the first) was playing Nintendo 64 with my brother, most notably Goldeneye 007, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda OoT, Mario Kart 64, and Diddy Kong Racing. I know I played games before that, but those are the first ones I have Vivid memories of.
The funny thing is i have never broken a controller. I may have damaged a few but never broke one.
ollee said:
I don't remember what my FIRST gaming experience was, but the first one that firmly sits in my mind(I know this wasn't the first) was playing Nintendo 64 with my brother, most notably Goldeneye 007, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda OoT, Mario Kart 64, and Diddy Kong Racing. I know I played games before that, but those are the first ones I have Vivid memories of.

All 5 of those games were the most memorable games of my childhood :o
I mean, I also remember SMW on SNES, Mario 3 on NES, Sonic 1 through...well yeah, on SEGA, and FFVII on Playstation, then up into the other Final Fantasy games, Getting a gameable PC, then Tribes, the Quakes, Half-life, TFC CS1.6 Starcraft, BW, Warcraft 2 BNE, Diablo 1 and 2, And well, I have always been around games, they're in mah breeding. Oh and of course Pokemon on the Gameboy, Red, Blue Yellow(then I lost interest)

Yeah, you get it. Those are just the games I have vivid memories of...
I don't know exactly which game I played first....maybe it was Mario Party on the gamecube or pokemon crystal on the gameboy? But I do remember I liked Rayman M on the PS2 a lot and Rollercoaster Tycoon and Crash Bandicoot the Wrath of Cortex too.
I was playing diablo 1 before it even came out (there was a free demo package that came with our pc at the time that had that included). It was a lot different than the completed game. After the butcher the demo ended. I wish they would have simplified diablo 3 a little bit. Something that made diablo 1 and 2 so great was its simplicity IMO. Seems like they have added too much depth to 3 judging by watching the pre release... We will see though.
I can clearly remember playing Atari with my brother and sister. We would play Pole Position, Food FIght and Tanks. I would always be the last to get to play, and get the shortest amount of time to play, since I'm the youngest. Those were the days...
hmm, i always ahd last place too with our NES. I remember that old Zelda that had the golden plastic magigy, the old mario, and then i got to play a bit mroe when we got a SNES with super mario and donkey kong.. :D