youtube q/a


New Member
so i want to make a youtube q/a video and i need some questions, so i posting this so you guys can help me out and ask some questions it would be very much appreciated ^_^
What is the smallest integer such that if you rotate the number to the left you get a number that is exactly one and a half times the original number?

Consider the possibility of a large country such as China organizing a "geophysical weapon", by having all the inhabitants of China jump off` chairs onto the ground at the same instant. Assuming; that the resulting; energy could all be focussed to one point on the earth, how many kilograms of TNT would this weapon correspond to? (kilograms of TNT)

How is babby formed?
What is the smallest integer such that if you rotate the number to the left you get a number that is exactly one and a half times the original number?

According to google, the answer is 5912. However, this couldn't be any more incorrect. I'm not sure who thought this was such a complicated question, but the correct answer is obviously 0. 0 rotated left is 0, and 0 is equal to 1.5*0.
If you had a youtube account before google bought it, and used your gmail e-mail address, why is it that if you try to log in on youtubes website, it fails, but if you log into gmail first, then go to youtube, it works perfectly fine?(i did do the combination thinggy...)
According to google, the answer is 5912. However, this couldn't be any more incorrect. I'm not sure who thought this was such a complicated question, but the correct answer is obviously 0. 0 rotated left is 0, and 0 is equal to 1.5*0.

When I read the question I immediately thought of zero but then if rotated left it looks like an oval instead of zero. The problem with the question is the wording. According to this dude, he moved one the first digit from 2591 to make 5912. I didn't thought moving one digit to the left meant "rotating" at all. I thought it meant rotating the integer from it's center to the left.