Youtube uses SSL for video content now


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It doesn't appear to have been announced anywhere, but I noticed that the yellow lock stopped appearing when playing youtube videos today. Cool.

Someone explain what this means? #ignorantswag
It's a type of security, right?
Someone explain what this means? #ignorantswag
It's a type of security, right?

Several years ago, Team9000 switched to full SSL, meaning that people in between you and us (NSA, your internet provider, some dude on wifi at the coffee shop) can't steal your login information or see what you're doing. To support this, all videos that you can embed here must also be secure (YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc). If they are not, the green lock in your browser will turn yellow, indicating that "something on this page isn't secure." Youtube just switched to making EVERYTHING secure (like us), so the lock stays green even when you play a youtube video.
Several years ago, Team9000 switched to full SSL, meaning that people in between you and us (NSA, your internet provider, some dude on wifi at the coffee shop) can't steal your login information or see what you're doing. To support this, all videos that you can embed here must also be secure (YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, etc). If they are not, the green lock in your browser will turn yellow, indicating that "something on this page isn't secure." Youtube just switched to making EVERYTHING secure (like us), so the lock stays green even when you play a youtube video.
Okay, cool beans. Thanks! :)
"Your connection to is encrypted with a 128-bit encryption, however, this page uses other resources which are not secure..."
You have a valid certificate though :thumbsup:
I only get the yellow lock when I start playing any videos, other than that, it seems to be green most of the time.
"Your connection to is encrypted with a 128-bit encryption, however, this page uses other resources which are not secure..."
You have a valid certificate though :thumbsup:

Push ctrl+shift+J, and the console should display a warning for anything that is loaded insecurely.
Push ctrl+shift+J, and the console should display a warning for anything that is loaded insecurely.
The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://r4---sn-vgqsen7k.googlevideo...ypass=yes&range=2952721-4393679&keepalive=yes': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

After playing the video, I get many warnings like this as the video plays.
I don't get green locks or yellow locks since I use Firefox, but I'm guessing a gray lock is good enough.