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Zone11 Bridges


Two new bridges have gone up in Z11!

Both Bridges.JPG

Finally connecting the water park to the rest of the city, the first bridge is a simple arch affair.

Yellow Bridge.JPG

The second is a double drawbridge. Here we see it half open to permit a small sailing yacht to pass underneath.


When fully opened, the bridge can permit ships of up to 101 feet in beam to pass into the harbor. This will allow even the large passenger liner at the docks to pass with ease.

But what's this? Someone appears to have ignored the safety barriers and made a run at the open bridge!

the Jump.JPG

Not what you expect to see when bringing your sailboat back into port after a long day!

From Below.JPG

But the cops are in hot pursuit.

It looks like them Duke boys are in a heap o' trouble

The Chase.JPG

So, serious question. Now that these two bridges link the southern part of the city while allowing ship traffic to pass, can we get rid of the long suspension bridge at the base of the map? With it there, there isn't actually any way for ships to come in and out of the port. Its elimination will also allow for the addition of a full cargo terminal at the rail yard going up behind the Ellicott turbine factory. What say you mods?

Wide View.JPG
I've sent a pm to Juco, the mayor of zone11, asking him to look at this thread. Dunno what he'll say.

Personally, I think it'd make more sense to raise the height instead of removing it completely.
I've sent a pm to Juco, the mayor of zone11, asking him to look at this thread. Dunno what he'll say.

Personally, I think it'd make more sense to raise the height instead of removing it completely.

Thanks, Pasaria. Rather than raise it, I'd probably put in drawbridges at either end. The cruise ship's clearance is more than 20 blocks above the waterline and it wouldn't look good to raise it by that much.