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Funny MineCraft Moments

Guys, I think NewVeniceOFCaprica might be haunted...

Survival post derp.
Some funny WoM chat logs.
[collapse]Bob The Builder was here!
[2012-12-04 10:28:49] thhrom: Theres a player here running around repairing
[2012-12-04 10:28:49] > everything
[2012-12-04 10:29:05] jrl51592: Is his name Bob and is he a builder?
[2012-12-04 10:29:16] thhrom: Lol
[2012-12-04 10:29:25] thhrom: No

I got Ninja'd by the server!
[2012-12-04 10:28:56] markbroek: jrl
[2012-12-04 10:29:12] jrl51592: yes mark?
[2012-12-04 10:29:21] markbroek: wel how to get my rank up
[2012-12-04 10:29:29] markbroek: i think my building is finsihes
[2012-12-04 10:29:32] Want promoted? Type /rules for details
[2012-12-04 10:29:37] jrl51592: ok, type /rules
[2012-12-04 10:29:40] jrl51592: it will tell you how
[2012-12-04 10:29:47] jrl51592: fkn ninja'd by the server

Haha this cracked me up! Tbarius raging about his Microwave.
[2012-12-05 09:18:05] tbarius: my microwave is bullshit.
[2012-12-05 09:18:10] tbarius: i can microwave a burrito for 6 minutes.
[2012-12-05 09:18:12] tbarius: still cold.
[2012-12-05 09:18:20] tbarius: if i nuke it for another 10 se4conds
[2012-12-05 09:18:25] tbarius: magically its nuclear waste hot

Some funny/somewhat funny screenshots from Classic.
[collapse]This is a "funey" guy!

Do me.

Fail Trollol Sign

ConroD phony caught by Console!

Griefer griefing a trap.



So Crogenitor made this sign. After about two days of looking at it, I decided to be a troll and build 1x1 towers near it. I made the " u mad?" and the stone, water, and lava 1x1 towers and the 3 horizontal towers going through his sign. After I made the water and lava 1x1 towers, a awesome(whom I won't mention the name of) decided to help me troll. So he made the iron 1x1 towers and this is the result of our trolling. Enjoy.


Shadow penis!

The build that was causing the penis...[collapse]
So Crogenitor made this sign. After about two days of looking at it, I decided to be a troll and build 1x1 towers near it. I made the " u mad?" and the stone, water, and lava 1x1 towers and the 3 horizontal towers going through his sign. After I made the water and lava 1x1 towers, a awesome(whom I won't mention the name of) decided to help me troll. So he made the iron 1x1 towers and this is the result of our trolling. Enjoy.


It's funny, because that sign itself was a troll one too. Well, I like trolling with /hide, that guy was building a 1x1 near my sprite, aand trolling time. And then I get trolled. Someone troll the troll again.
:confused: Wtf? I just managed to fix my laptop, so I decided I should log in and get back to being active.. Well, Someone obviously missed me, But how even am I fluffy? Damashki?!? How even?


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