IRL PICS! (if you want to)

It boggles my mind that some people think being an insufferable assface douchemongerer is funny and not at all something they should stop doing.

So, back to topic maybe?
Welp, time to treat kids as kids for a sec;

Remember the golden rule of like, preschool and kindergarten?

"If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anythign at all" -Any random ass teacher.

We all agree (at least i hope) that, that statement makes sense right? SO why the fuck does no one seem to get that?
No one likes being called out to a pissing contest, but lately, that's what t9k has become. Why? dunno, probably don't care.

Seriously though, all that's been happening is a bunch of pointless little shit storms, for many reasons, but the main one i think is the difference in opinions. Just because someone thinks/acts differently than you, there's no need to call them out right? SO why the fuck have people been doing that? Calm the fuck down people.

TL;DR Don't wanna be nice? Shut it and carry on.
DutchCheese says shut up and post IRL PICS!
don't you dare to reply about anything else :cautious:



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