IRL PICS! (if you want to)

I can't tell too much from that picture but it kinda looks like your hair is almost as long as mine was 6 months ago.

Also I'm not Filipino and I have beards and mustaches.
The longest parts are about 3 inches from my waist line. xD So... Go from there.
Progress on the first NoShaveNovember I've participated in:

And a random picture of my brother that y'all probably remember as Aetherrack (he goes by a diff name now) that has nothing to do with the current month, he just happened to be in my room:
So yeah...

> Woke up and got ready for work
> About to leave for work
> Cunt neighbor preventing me from going to work at a job where being late isn't an option.

2013-11-22 07.17.16.jpg