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  • Throttle up, panel lock, SAS engage. 3, 2... Wait, why is it flipping already!? PJSalt
    Due to industrial dispute/unauthorized hiatus/armed revolt by the 47th Brain Hamsters Guild, this brain is offline until further notice. *_*
    "Between 80 and 140 kilometers above Kerbin" Ah, cool, perhaps I could come visit you sometime if I could /actually get off the freaking ground!/

    Anyways, have a follow. x3
    "The only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is the friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes."
    I hereby retract my earlier statement regarding space travel and the opinion of the inferiority of spacefaring Krylanis.
    Fact: Krylani is never going to space.
    Hooray! Long drops (even in games) make me tense up in funny ways; zero-g/atmospheric re-entry would probably turn me inside out or something. And nobody needs to see that.

    Besides, Krylanis that insist on going into space are inferior to those that don't. :P

    *I see krylani as the author of half the ban requests on the 1st page for Survival*

    Yeah, it's been a crazy day. I'm really hoping the rest of the weekend (and the summer as a whole) is a lot quieter...
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