Recent content by PaperPower

  1. PaperPower

    PaperPower's LTS Application

    Hi, PaperPower here! 1) In-Game Name: PaperPower 2) Why do you want to join?: I want to join because it seems like a lot of fun and I love to build and share creations. 3) If you're new to Team9000, how did you find us?: I'm not new I was on Team9000 classic A LOT and I had many, many friends on...
  2. PaperPower

    Describe T9K in one word!

  3. PaperPower


    Okay but gosh darn it. It's hard stuff getting to builder so here's my attempt to get to builder. A crashed shuttle of sorts.
  4. PaperPower


    Yeah. sure Damashki let me at 'em.
  5. PaperPower


    Here's another build like my first one I hope this will get me promo'd! Thank You! Not as detailed though...
  6. PaperPower


    Thanks Twn i hope you get promoted also i saw your builds and you should be there in a matter of 0ne or two more builds you're doing great!
  7. PaperPower


    more final push creations.
  8. PaperPower


    i hope this is good for builder to help make it there.
  9. PaperPower


    Thanks, It's good to hear the positive things about my builds, but also I'd love to hear the criticism to know what i could do better but thanks for the positive things it really helps me!
  10. PaperPower


    I hope this is good enough to be promoted I spent a total of about 3 to 4 hours on my mansion This is on cool
  11. PaperPower


    new photos
  12. PaperPower


    yes jay i know, but did you get a rank up? Because deadheart did and took almost all the credit.
  13. PaperPower


    well i also want to have fun on the upper ranked worlds which i get kicked off of
  14. PaperPower


    You've got to be kidding. We're asking anyways when we post on the forums.
  15. PaperPower


    i know this is getting really long but i just get mad when twice this is happened when she got ranked but i didn't