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  1. Mahkookeh

    Spiral Knights Guild Logo

    I know that some members will look at the title of the thread and go "Spiral Knights sucks". I know, I did too. I'm just bored, trying something new, and I'm actually liking the fighting mechanics. It's so... overly simple. So, I got dragged into Spiral Knights, and my friend and I started a...
  2. Mahkookeh

    Sentence Game

    Once twice there potato was can swallow sit fart. But my grandma plucks apples out of donkeys mouth like they are bananas punching trees. And yet flabbergasted penquins fling frozen yogurt while sniopahs defecate. Meth sucks. Inflames cinnamon with rain gives cupcakes boys extreme chaples...
  3. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    ._. Running out of riddles... Quick! Everyone else! Submit your own riddles for us to ponder on! Anyway, 8/20/2012 I fly without wings. I cry without eyes. I'm followed by darkness, lacking the light I will never see.
  4. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    Keyblade already got it D:
  5. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    8/19/2012 What goes up the chimney down, but can't go down the chimney up?
  6. Mahkookeh

    They call me woot, what do they call you?

    Mahkookeh Mycookie Kookeh Yourcookie Man-hooker (-_- ) I believe Pixiel started this one... Mah Mehcook Mahkockeh Mangina (Some guest. I don't even...) [Insert any word a pre-pubescent child that was raging might yell because he can't build]
  7. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    8/18/2012 You do not want to have me, But when you have me, You do not want to lose me. What am I?
  8. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    8/17/2012 As a whole, I am both safe and secure. Behead me, and I become a place of meeting. Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready. Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts. What am I?
  9. Mahkookeh

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    That guest... has more time clocked in than me... I have disgraced dah on-whore of mah famiry. ;(
  10. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    The first part was a normal everyday riddle while the link was to the Gamer's Riddle. Congratz to Sean! It took me forever to get to the end...
  11. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    8/16/2012 I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I? And a lil somethin' extra: found this link, Finish the Gamer's Riddle! Since Team9000 is a...
  12. Mahkookeh

    Sentence Game

    Once twice there potato was can swallow sit fart. But my grandma plucks apples out of donkeys mouth like they are bananas punching trees. And yet flabbergasted penquins fling frozen yogurt while sniopahs defecate. Meth sucks. Inflames cinnamon with rain gives cupcakes boys extreme chaples...
  13. Mahkookeh

    Funny MineCraft Moments

    *looks into pants* ...heh heh heh...
  14. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    Th'ar ye go.
  15. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    No, sorry.
  16. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    8/15/2012 Lovely and round I shine with pale light grown in the darkness A lady's delight.
  17. Mahkookeh

    I Bet YOU Can't Stump This...

    Stumped him with Vanaduke (MMORPG) and Dharok (MMORPG), but he got Purple Shirted Eye Stabber? Dafuq?
  18. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

  19. Mahkookeh

    Riddle me this...

    8/14/2012 If you break me, I do not stop working. If you touch me, I may be snared. If you lose me, Nothing will matter. What am I?
  20. Mahkookeh

    Describe the person above you in 2 words

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