Riddle me this...

I run over fields and woods all day.
Under the bed at night I sit not alone.
My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear,
awaiting to be filled in the morning.
What am I?

And a lil somethin' extra: found this link, http://teh.pwnem.com/
Finish the Gamer's Riddle! Since Team9000 is a gaming community, I hope that someone will win in a matter of minutes!
Shoes? :confused:
I run over fields and woods all day.
Under the bed at night I sit not alone.
My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear,
awaiting to be filled in the morning.
What am I?

And a lil somethin' extra: found this link, http://teh.pwnem.com/
Finish the Gamer's Riddle! Since Team9000 is a gaming community, I hope that someone will win in a matter of minutes!
So it's a "Gamer's Riddles"? Man, I can think of plenty of vidya game characters and objects with hanging tongues, and others with tendencies of eating things, but none with both. Even in an abstract sense, I still can't think of something.

I run over fields and woods all day.
Under the bed at night I sit not alone.
My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear,
awaiting to be filled in the morning.
What am I?

And a lil somethin' extra: found this link, http://teh.pwnem.com/
Finish the Gamer's Riddle! Since Team9000 is a gaming community, I hope that someone will win in a matter of minutes!

And a lil somethin' extra: found this link, http://teh.pwnem.com/
Finish the Gamer's Riddle! Since Team9000 is a gaming community, I hope that someone will win in a matter of minutes!
awww i've been busted.PNG
So it's a "Gamer's Riddles"? Man, I can think of plenty of vidya game characters and objects with hanging tongues, and others with tendencies of eating things, but none with both. Even in an abstract sense, I still can't think of something.

The first part was a normal everyday riddle while the link was to the Gamer's Riddle.

Congratz to Sean! It took me forever to get to the end...
As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
What am I?
As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
What am I?

You can find it out easy if you look at what the last line could be and the possible meanings of 'behead'

The answer is a stable.
The beheading refers to removing the first letter, so,
safe and secure - stable
place of meeting - table
partner of ready - able
domain of beasts - stable
You do not want to have me,
But when you have me,
You do not want to lose me.
What am I?

Something that puts you at risk of physical, emotional, or financial harm and increases that risk or does other harm if you lose it.

- Crushed/gangrenous limbs
- Duels
- Addiction (true, people want to "lose" the addiction, but they don't ever try to quit because of fear of the withdrawal symptoms afterwards.)
- A terrible poker hand
- A sighted enemy ("Lose me" as in "lose in your sights". Think of what could happen if you lose sight of an enemy.)
You do not want to have me,
But when you have me,
You do not want to lose me.
What am I?

A big handmade statue limited to a certain number which costs you lots of money so you do not want to buy it first but are the more happier when you just buy it?