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  1. BobTheSuperMan

    Rails taken

    I went in from the spawn side and seems they took all the lights and filled it up with cobble again.
  2. BobTheSuperMan

    Rails taken

    Someone stole my rails from my town to spawn they placed cobble in the tunnel so you cant use rails. They also went down the hub to midguards rails and did the same. pic 1 : x: -1489 y:56 z -1247 pic 2: x: -1296 y: -51 z -1170 Cobble you can see in pic And midguard I didnt get the cords
  3. BobTheSuperMan

    I dislike redstone.

    I dislike redstone.
  4. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    Your banned so really doesn't matter
  5. BobTheSuperMan

    "Back in the days of EP, Woot's official statement regarding a PvP arena was "If you build it...

    "Back in the days of EP, Woot's official statement regarding a PvP arena was "If you build it, and make it square, I will turn on PvP in it." Will you still do this if we build it?
  6. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    If that still applys then I would help with it.
  7. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    people will just do what we did for spawn. Make town rails there or even nether portal paths. We just don't want noobs reaching it, if they keep dieing trying to get there then they will give up work on gear and try again later.
  8. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    The whole point of it being far away is so noobs don't go as they don't want to waste their time. If there is a short cut i highly doubt it will stay hidden.
  9. BobTheSuperMan

    Annoying frequently asked questions/statements

    *Noob spawns in world* "NOTCH?!?!" "Trader bill can we be friends?" "How do you get to spawn?" "WHERE IS EVERYONE?"
  10. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    Like the snow lands to the far north west. nothing is built there and would take a few hours just to get near there.
  11. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    We have a the /ignore command for them crying about it and that's why i said FAR away from spawn like how sign island is. It would take them a while to get there and most wouldn't do it.
  12. BobTheSuperMan

    Nether - "Outposts are not available"

    He has a town I just want it so he can use it as he helped build it. And did you think maybe I wanted it spelled like that? I don't bug you about your name don't bug me about mine.
  13. BobTheSuperMan

    Nether - "Outposts are not available"

    And will it mess with ALL my plots or just this one?
  14. BobTheSuperMan

    Nether - "Outposts are not available"

    oh so I have to have the plot in my name. But then my other town members cant get in?
  15. BobTheSuperMan

    Nether - "Outposts are not available"

    Ok i got outpost work i got one claimed and i added kuchen to friends so he could use the claimed land as well but he cant build or destroy or even open the doors up. so if i could get some help here. I did /resident set perm build/destroy/switch on and towny said it was successful but he...
  16. BobTheSuperMan

    Hey sonic could we get your input on

    Hey sonic could we get your input on
  17. BobTheSuperMan

    PvP in Survival

    Yes thats what I want a pvp arena not world.