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  1. S

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    My friend mentyson and I put this together, he did most of the work throwing up that huge-ass American flag, while he was polishing that up I did the initial lettering infront of it. towards the end we were asking other guests what their opinions were and we eventually settled on multi-colored...
  2. S

    What do you want from me? (Music to play Minecraft to)

    i like to listen to some flying lotus when I build. you'd recognize some of his stuff from the adult swim bumps (if you watch adult swim anyway). for instance. or
  3. S

    Minecraft Guest Promotions

    Im not on a computer that I can easily get a screen shot with, but if anyone goes to cool island, look down under water and slightly to the left of the spawn point and you should see my name (Serif) along the bottom of the water way with a bunch of glass surrounding it. It's my underwater...
  4. S

    Fancy meeting you here

    haha tell me about it. the hours slip away faster than I can glance at the clock.
  5. S

    Fancy meeting you here

    I stumbled into minecraft after hearing someone mention the name once. I had no idea what it was at the time but so I had no expectations. What I found was something that quickly grew to fill the hole in me that had been left by a long past childhood spent building with legos for hours and...