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Minecraft Guest Promotions

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My first real attempt at minecraft. Made on the guest server today. My Omega Tower of Solace! Really quite peaceful up there...



My first real attempt at something cool. A hot air balloon. I know were i made a few mistakes and will do better next time.


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My friend mentyson and I put this together, he did most of the work throwing up that huge-ass American flag, while he was polishing that up I did the initial lettering infront of it. towards the end we were asking other guests what their opinions were and we eventually settled on multi-colored letters (I originally just had red with white outlines)... during that part we had a few other people helping us. I don't recall all of their names sadly, I know SOCOM_HERO was one, and maybe someone with 'pirate' in their name... and holli85 maybe, haha sorry I didn't think to pay that close of attention I'm sure I've omitted someone. Perhaps if some of them log on here and speak up they can share in the glory.

anyways. pretty neato i guess. It'll probably have a swastika on it next time I log in.
I finished the underground shrine room to my tower, unfortunately right when i was almost done i realized that my tower was being destroyed. Many thanks to yoctobot for helping me rebuild.

My first real attempt at minecraft. Made on the guest server today. My Omega Tower of Solace! Really quite peaceful up there...




My friend mentyson and I put this together, he did most of the work throwing up that huge-ass American flag, while he was polishing that up I did the initial lettering infront of it. towards the end we were asking other guests what their opinions were and we eventually settled on multi-colored letters (I originally just had red with white outlines)... during that part we had a few other people helping us. I don't recall all of their names sadly, I know SOCOM_HERO was one. Maybe if some of them log on here and speak up they can share in the glory.

anyways. pretty neato i guess. It'll probably have a swastika on it next time I log in.

Thanks for the mention...sadly it has been partially griefed already...but apparently a mod and many other members are upset and are working to get it back in shape.

I sure hope to see all of the helpers again, and you too Serif!
So these are a few screenshots of something that Eussie and I (lifeisflimsy) have been working on into the early hours of the morning the past few nights. These screenshots are really just the main things we built, but basically we went way underground and set up an elaborate and cleverly hidden series of rooms and tunnels. We eventually cleared out a huge room and put a boat in it, made the walls blue and the floor a different blue (for water). We then decided to put a glass floor over the room and add more, and these were the results. I know we're not 3D masters or anything, but hopefully we can get a little rank up from these.




Its my first little piece of 'art' I love it, except for the sign, which im not too great at making an 'M' as im sure is evident, lol, but looking for tips, or advice, anything is welcome


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Whether or not my stuff is very impressive, it was hard to do. My stuff can be located in /guest 11 and when you first enter, look for the giant black column to your left with the glass center, it's my spiral staircase to my giant golden bridge, my bridge leads to the pyramid, behind the pyramid is my hospital, pimp, and castle, my original house is harder to locate but can be found off the path as well, the first major 90 degree turn left, jump off, my blue house is down there...I have pics but my i-net is too slow to upload right now. If you can find these, evaluate if I deserve a rank up...I believe I do, I've spent many hours doing these things, and I want water! :3

edit: I also had help with some of them, but I did alot, if not most of the work. Thanks to those who helped :)
Thanks for the mention...sadly it has been partially griefed already...but apparently a mod and many other members are upset and are working to get it back in shape.

I sure hope to see all of the helpers again, and you too Serif!

You can count on my help mate, great creation btw looks beautiful congrats to the OP'ers.
Jumping on now, I'll see if I can find it :)

Oh and looking forward to Blueranger's post :) great stuff!
hey im back with completed Tower of Babel (my first great project) and story about hero who wanted to get its treasure.


Our hero just docked in front of legendary Tower of Babel which was built by mad wizard who wanted to be equal gods or so story says. There were many other building nearby made probably made by some other mad wizards but its not what our story is about.


He looked last time at shadow of tower and went his way to top.


There were no end to this stairs. His only tought was to not look down.


At last our hero came to first level of tower but he couldnt rest now, further path up was blocked. Wizard left trial for guests.


Only way was that floating blocks so he went. Each step could be last. At the end he saw rose so he took it and returned to blocked path.


Hero felt heat in his hand and crystals blocking path broke. Soon after rose disappeared. So our hero went just revelaed path.


At next level way up was again blocked but he saw 4 other paths cut by waterfall and after each a rose. Does this mean only 1 can be real. Our hero was confused.


Is that luck or magic but its seems our hero found real rose on first try. Gods know what would happen if he failed. So our hero went back to crystals blocking way and with bigger vigor continued his quest.


Third level was beautiful it was garden and blocked path again. Our hero felt calm and peacefully, and sleepy but it was something wrong. Hero knew he must get out of here fast. There was again 4 paths ( 3 of them was sealed probably because other wizards built in the way) so our hero took only path avoiding obvious trap and get rose. He was just a step from treasure.


Top level made our hero speechless not only because it was most beautiful thing he saw but there was also big demon.Maybe story was fake, wizard didnt wanted to be equal gods he wanted to seal demon for all eternity. Suddenly demon wake up and our hero had to fight him. It was fierce battle but like it is in story our hero won. Some may think how mere hero could defeat demon that wizard couldnt. Well maybe demon was so old that it just died of oldeness.


After demon was defeated new path was revealed hero took it and he found book full of arcane knowledge and chest full of gold. Our hero just took gold and went home. Lived in villa at coast to end of his days.

I want to thank server owners to make possible built this tower and special thanks to casham for water making magic. :) hope u like it.

Some more pic of tower now in guest11



Tower of Babel invite you! ;p
Retro house, based on the design of Habitat 67 in Montreal. I always liked the design and plan to build a bigger model one day... one day...







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