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  1. 0XY

    Desktop Time!

    Sooooo need a new wallpaper!
  2. 0XY

    T9K Events?

    I was exploring other servers and one had a easter event where the staff (and guest, but t9k has to many guest) had to find little easter eggs and replace them with a block. just alittle fun. maybe there should be holiday related sprite contest?
  3. 0XY

    Avatar Sprites!

    Thats really good, how long have you been with the server?
  4. 0XY

    Avatar Sprites!

    DO mine it will look boss. :D
  5. 0XY


    haha sry fost..
  6. 0XY


    huge build. doesn't have as much design as the other one but its huge. (sry fost for building in your territory...) and their is my first attempt at a Sprite.yea its pretty bad im not good at them haha.
  7. 0XY


    sry for all the outside views of the huge building..i just want u to c how big it is haha
  8. 0XY


    Casham showed me some of the old cool worlds im kind of embarrassed in what builds i put on for you guys to c =/
  9. 0XY


    your doing really good hope u get promoted soon
  10. 0XY


    this pic goes before NOT ALOT 13
  11. 0XY


    how much do sprites help towards promotion? =)
  12. 0XY


    i thought i already made an application but i cant find it /= .. could u give advice to make my builds better?
  13. 0XY


    i had help from 1horror_____ . could anyone give advice on making my builds better?
  14. 0XY


    could you give me some tips to rank up Patchouli? or to make better builds?
  15. 0XY


    it doesnt seem like alot but it took a little while /= hope to get promoted ;) (themangler helped with the huge house, he came wen i got greifed making it)
  16. 0XY

    tehminer1720 promotion.

    ha ha you should really get promoted i saw a couple of them in game
  17. 0XY

    my new build : SHAM-WO-WHO

    thats how i feel cuz if u try to build something big people grief
  18. 0XY


    in the pics were you c other people they helped me put some the glass in. plz promote =p
  19. 0XY


    its not alot but i had to rebuild the castle 3 times because of greifers. i led the tree house thing bridges that go to everything around it if u look closely. im very devoted to your server, i waited 2-3 hours waiting for someone to come for the castle but no one did :/ plz look at...