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  1. connor

    JerzeyLegend Hosts... Minecraft BETA code build contest.

    I got to see this for myself as i went for an exploration and it was incredible kudos to streakthefox buddy awesome job.
  2. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Also made a shotgun to "warm myself up"
  3. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Made an underwater house today and also hit 800 minutes on the server! yay
  4. connor

    Worst Situation Ever.

    aha pedo bear
  5. connor

    Worst Situation Ever.

    It still makes me laugh XD
  6. connor

    Worst Situation Ever.

    ah ha noice i like it
  7. connor

    Greifing.... And another thing...

    The best place to build at is in teh sky it makes it harder for the griefers to get to your building, plus like donnabot said the mods and admins like to play too just give them time and they will help this is a better server than most they actually care about their players.
  8. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    I really should just wait till I know that im done till i upload these photos
  9. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Added a break room and another main office for HR also added a landing platform for those who fly.
  10. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Just built a small office building with a conference room cubicles boss's office and a secretary area. Stone decided to work in his cubicle. I decided to upload the pics as thumbnails this time to save room on the page
  11. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Made another house today this one underground with a water elevator thanks to Alimber for placing the water for me. The house has a living room dinning room a in house theater complete with a bar, a bedroom, and a small but still useful library with one chair in it!
  12. connor

    To get a bonus life you first must have a life XD

    To get a bonus life you first must have a life XD
  13. connor

    Portal 2 Co-Op: Why Robots?

    * Russian accent* It makes me smile
  14. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Just a simple castle I made, with towers and the word trol on the inside
  15. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Here are some more pictures, I built on 145 and 146 just getting a chance to upload them
  16. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Heres another piece of work that i ended up having enough time for
  17. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    Just relized what was in the chat....erm.....
  18. connor

    Craigmmmful Guest -> Cool

    This is just a small house i built to start out with i will be building bigger things and things that actually look cool