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Greifing.... And another thing...


New Member
Whenever I build a very fantastic building that i am proud of, 'other' people just barg in and greif my buildings or whatever i built and it took a long time, plus, whenever we tell the moderaters who greifed our building, they DONT REPLY and barely do anything about it! Maybe you should put more moderaters who can kick and ban and they should be going all over the map so they can check if everything is OK. Plus, there were some people who dont greif but they load these buildings out of nowhere without having to build! and they load right on the location on where you built a building or do something. So please, can you do somehing about it?:(
most of the time there is someone that will help, sometimes it takes a while to get thier attention (i imagine they like to play too, not to mention there are so many griefers), since the damage is undone when an admin gets there the time it takes for them to get there doesn't matter too much, if no one replies to your plea's for help build for 10 minutes and ask again....
The best place to build at is in teh sky it makes it harder for the griefers to get to your building, plus like donnabot said the mods and admins like to play too just give them time and they will help this is a better server than most they actually care about their players.
There are enough mods and admins that can ban and revert damage done by griefers. We know how it feels like you just spent hours of your time building something and then some kid comes over and deletes everything, but keep in mind that there are 140+ guests online at the same time and we do our best to help everyone. If you don't get an answer from a mod or an admin is either because they're already busy (and that is most of the times, trust me.) or they are afk. I've never seen anyone of us (mods and admins) not helping anyone because they're "playing the game".
My advice is not to worry, we can revert ANY damage done by griefers even if they are not online anymore. Keep building and ask nicely and eventually you'll get a mod or admin not busy helping you.