Search results

  1. Stratadon

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    You need to look at the pyramid again. Far too often, hate against certain groups of people persists because we have failed as a society to call out our peers when they act on stereotypes, and perpetuate them with their remarks and comments. It all starts with this. Denying that it is a big deal...
  2. Stratadon

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    So for whatever reason, one Jewish man feels the need to perpetuate a harmful stereotype about himself and others. Does that give you the right to do it as well, irregardless of how other people of the same religion feel or act? Who we are to everyone but ourselves is the sum of our outward...
  3. Stratadon

    IRL PICS! (if you want to)

    Nice to see open minded people unsullied by disgusting stereotypes and prejudices every once and a while.
  4. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    Destroy the enemy nexus.
  5. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    If you are just starting the game and can hardly even last hit, vision items as used by us experienced players would eat up a huge disproportional percentage of your resources preventing you from utilizing your core character to its fullest.
  6. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    I'd say that doesn't come in for quite a while, like lesson 3 or 4. Improving your individual mechanics and control over your character comes long before the team elements such as map control/vision required for winning the games.
  7. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    I have never had any trouble with AI games. Normals is a completely different story. I am not sure which you are referring to. I was referring to AI. Smurfs will not play AI games, and if they do, it will not be to bitch at bad players. It will be almost 100% them playing a brand new champ for...
  8. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    I highly suggest starting off with AI games. You will be matched with new players also trying to figure it out for the first time and no one will get mad at you for having no clue what is going on. Try to play every champion in the free rotation each week at least once to begin building up...
  9. Stratadon

    Looking for an MMO team

    I am waiting for the minecraft reboot to die down a bit and I will introduce a new game for us to get into. It will be a big hit if enough people give it a go.
  10. Stratadon

    Free steam games from Wooty (Status: All Claimed)

    Took Landmark 1 week beta GENR-JGGN-FZAN-43HN-NG3V Thanks wooty!
  11. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    Proud to announce I just made it to Plat V! A good friend of mine is Plat I and about to start series for diamond. My goal is to catch him by the end of the season. Wish me luck.
  12. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    xD series was successful. Gold II! I can practically smell plat.
  13. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    So this just happened… Straight up 4v5 win in ranked.
  14. Stratadon

    Everquest Next: Landmark, early access closed beta keys.

    Welcome to the team9000 community and happy first post! So nice of you to introduce yourself. I look forward to seeing you around!
  15. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    Again, situational. If your team is in the lead, anything you can do to stick to the back line (especially adc) will shut them down completely. FM does this better than randuins. Either can work, depends on the game. If you have hard enough peel, the attack speed reduction from randuins really...
  16. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    How can you possibly say this? Each game is unique and has different team compositions. There are most certainly times when I buy a second damage item on shyv, which will usually be hydra right after botrk. This is usually only when I am absolutely trashing my lane and am confident I can...
  17. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    I think that this, inherently, is what makes match-making very difficult to do well. It may very well be the cause/root of the majority of the chaos and discontent found in MOBA games. The engine of negative attitude is driven by this.
  18. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    I don't appreciate this picture you are painting of me. I do not complain about my teammates. I simply make logical conclusions of cause in a given result of a game. I do not bitch them out in game. I always try my hardest, encourage my team and play the game out to the end. In review, however...
  19. Stratadon

    League of Legends Thread

    This is why ranked infuriates me so much. I belong in a rank so far above silver I, but I am continuously teamed with people who belong far below silver I. My MMR is pretty high with my win rate, so for most games I am paired with high gold-low plat players despite being in silver I, which is...
  20. Stratadon

    T9K reunion server

    In my experience, there is somewhat of a curve. Too much is just as detrimental as too little. A happy medium would do well.