Everquest Next: Landmark, early access closed beta keys.


Well-Known Member
I bought 2 packs for Everquest Next: Landmark trailblazer. That gave me 8 buddy keys, 1 is already taken. I am reserving a few others also. I will have some leftover to feed to you people here at T9K. I do not know yet how many extra I'm going to have, so I will make a lottery. These keys give you early access to the EQ next: Landmark beta.

Post once here, simply stating you do not have the beta yet on steam, and would like it. I will create a list and randomize some winners in a few days. Winners will be added to the first post here once I select them. You must have steam so I can trade you the key if you win.
Having never played Everquest I don't know what I'm getting into, but I'm going in anyways. P.S I don't have it if it wasn't obvious.
I have no idea what this game is about, but from the quick study i did in an image search of it and I likey.
So, yes i do not have the game on steam and hell yes would I like to jump into the lottery for it!
Best of luck to all of you!
If you are still doing the lottery, I'd love to participate. This game looks like it will be a lot of fun =)
(I do not have it on steam, or anywhere else for that matter)
I will be announcing winners tomorrow. until then, requests are still valid and will be added to the lottery.