002 - Here's The Plan

Really? Because I've heard him say it on a few occasions. I seen it! True story.
Mebbe he just overheard it on mumble and only wrote it down to see how it looked as "The Plan" just before thinking, "No, that's fail." and then having the "Don't Fail!" breakthrough. ;b Problem solved!
Really? Because I've heard him say it on a few occasions. I seen it! True story.
Mebbe he just overheard it on mumble and only wrote it down to see how it looked as "The Plan" just before thinking, "No, that's fail." and then having the "Don't Fail!" breakthrough. ;b Problem solved!
I blame furkey for corrupting his young mind...
I think you should draw a comic where wooty and Ozy fight a dragon with their laser fire swords and fire laser vision. Also, Ozy is a ninja.
I know right? They should do their research!
