1 year, 3 months, and 24 days late


Active Member
As the title implies, I never made one of these, though I should have 1 year, 3 months, and 24 days ago, I have a Master's Degree in Procrastination.

I like lists, So let’s do that.

Basic Info
Name: Emma
Location Location Location: (Southwest) Washington State , USA
Weight: Fat
Criminal Records: None yet….

Animal: Bats and Okapis. Then pretty much all of North America’s Wildlife.
Color: Dark Cyan
Food: Pasta and bacon….separate….
Music Artist: Enya
Book: Silverwing and Sunwing by Kenneth Opel. It’s all his fault I like bats.
Movie: DON’T MAEK FUN OF ME. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. I also like the Avengers and The Whole Nine Yards.

Games I Play
Red Dead Redemption
3DS games and shiz
Sims 3 (occasionaly)

Non-Video games:
The Game of Life
Trivial Pursuit
Black Jack
Go Fish

•Slug bug (You know, when you see a VW Beetle and you hit someone and scream the color.”BLUE ONE”)
•SMARTCAR! (My sister and I made this one up. It’s kind of like Slugbug, but instead of bitch slapping and color screaming, you flick them and say “smart car!” when you see a smart car.)

Hobbies and Pastimes
Pyrography (don’t tell Vorsprung)
Design (whether it be architectural, interior, fashion, whatever)
Volunteering at the local animal shelter (wutnowbitches)
Press flowers and leaves and shiz
Eat, Poop, Sleep
Read Textbooks (yes, you read that right)
Be alone at home never being invited to anyone’s activities or being communicated with.*emo corner*
Killing flies and ants then feeling bad about it

And I’m sure everyone is interested in music, but I don’t listen to any specific genre, so heres what my MP3 looks like.

*Friendship is Witchcraft~ Don't Ask*

..Can you even see those?

Well, anyways that’s me. Now go buy me some jewelry before I set the baby on fire.

I like your choice of author. Kenneth Opel is a great writer, and I've actually read Silverwing, Sunwing, and his Airborn series.
Anyways... Welcome to Team9000! (lately and officially)
Vancouver more specifically.
Which was one of the most confusing things for me as a young child. "What do you mean there are two Vancouvers? Won't the ships get confused?"

Since then I've learned that Vancouver, BC is mostly a tourist port and Vancouver, WA is mainly heavy industrial (modular sections for the oilsands, wind generator parts, etc). Also that Vancouver, WA is known as "Vantucky" to most seamen.
Which was one of the most confusing things for me as a young child. "What do you mean there are two Vancouvers? Won't the ships get confused?"

Since then I've learned that Vancouver, BC is mostly a tourist port and Vancouver, WA is mainly heavy industrial (modular sections for the oilsands, wind generator parts, etc). Also that Vancouver, WA is known as "Vantucky" to most seamen.

Depends on which side of the city, north side is more suburban, southwest is more industrial, east side is more residential, and everything to the north is just small towns and boonies until you hit Olympia.