19 hours till season 2!!! ._.

You guys are retarded.
that would probably be one of the last reasons why I tolerate this show.
The lack of testosterone in this thread is disturbing.
You all do realize every person is entitled to there own opinion. If we wanna watch the show and like the show let that be. If we wanna post pictures of the show get over it. If we joke around by trying to show the people to others get over it. Its not effecting your life. Its only entertaining and if we like the show don't get butt hurt and fallback on calling us "gay" or "because your a brony". What argument is that? Its from an argument from someone ignorant.Now I am gonna wait for even more spam because of this post because 1 intelligent post on this thread

Now get over yourselves. And let people that like the show be. :3
If we wanna post pictures of the show get over it. If we joke around by trying to show the people to others get over it. Its not effecting your life
No. It gets tiring and frustrating when people have to deal with these pony pictures all the time against their will. Especially when it seems that pony picture captions are used A LOT more often than any other caption types. It's like the bronies are expecting any occasion to display their obsession.
The fact that people like MLP is ordinary, a lot of people watch kids shows out of their age range sometimes. It's the obsessive types that ruin the big picture.

And the picture you posted contradicts to a lot of the things you hear from bronies and have heard from this forum. ("Join the heard!", "Resistance is futile!")
What if the same thread was made about transformers...... (or some other less "girly" show).
Moe (萌え?, pronounced [moe]) is a Japanese slang word. It means "a rarefied pseudo-love for certain fictional characters (in anime, manga, and the like) and their related embodiments."

~quote Wikipedia.

RSMV suffers greatly from it. But like all Moes, it doesn't stick to every individual.

Hawke is lucky enough to be unaffected by it. But unlucky enough that I'll have to come over to his house so that I may harvest his organs to create a vaccine.
No. It gets tiring and frustrating when people have to deal with these pony pictures all the time against their will. Especially when it seems that pony picture captions are used A LOT more often than any other caption types. It's like the bronies are expecting any occasion to display their obsession.
The fact that people like MLP is ordinary, a lot of people watch kids shows out of their age range sometimes. It's the obsessive types that ruin the big picture.

And the picture you posted contradicts to a lot of the things you hear from bronies and have heard from this forum. ("Join the heard!", "Resistance is futile!")

You know all you have to do is ignore it, and stop crying about it. I can go out of my way of being a brony and being a person for one second and say "How the fuck does it effect you anyway in your life whatsoever?" If we enjoy posting pony pics and it happens to effect you so much your being in real life is effected to the point where you have to hate to the extent where you are almost causing a riot on a thread. If so then you better pull yourself together and find a life. Cause if a internet fad is effecting your real life then that's just depressing. Btw if you think mlp is effecting my life irl, then your sadly mistaken. Im not going around in real life showing everyone how epic mlp is and shoving a captioned photo of a pony in someones face in a argument. Now hawk please. Stop posting in MLP threads and get over yourself. *goes back to being a brony* hugs? :3
You know all you have to do is ignore it, and stop crying about it. I can go out of my way of being a brony and being a person for one second and say "How the fuck does it effect you anyway in your life whatsoever?" If we enjoy posting pony pics and it happens to effect you so much your being in real life is effected to the point where you have to hate to the extent where you are almost causing a riot on a thread. If so then you better pull yourself together and find a life. Cause if a internet fad is effecting your real life then that's just depressing. Btw if you think mlp is effecting my life irl, then your sadly mistaken. Im not going around in real life showing everyone how epic mlp is and shoving a captioned photo of a pony in someones face in a argument. Now hawk please. Stop posting in MLP threads and get over yourself. *goes back to being a brony* hugs? :3

best... post... ever :thumbsup:
You know all you have to do is ignore it, and stop crying about it. I can go out of my way of being a brony and being a person for one second and say "How the fuck does it effect you anyway in your life whatsoever?" If we enjoy posting pony pics and it happens to effect you so much your being in real life is effected to the point where you have to hate to the extent where you are almost causing a riot on a thread. If so then you better pull yourself together and find a life. Cause if a internet fad is effecting your real life then that's just depressing. Btw if you think mlp is effecting my life irl, then your sadly mistaken. Im not going around in real life showing everyone how epic mlp is and shoving a captioned photo of a pony in someones face in a argument. Now hawk please. Stop posting in MLP threads and get over yourself. *goes back to being a brony* hugs? :3