

To start off, hello everyone. My name is 12ix, call me what you like, it won't matter to me. :) After searching through servers, I have found a rare amount that have caught my eye and made me want to stay. After a few minutes on this server, I got a hang of it pretty quickly. As being the server with the most guests in minecraft, there are many crazy guests leaving and joining every minute. I noticed that the amount of ranked players is very small compared to the amount of guests, which shows that you actually have to work for your rank (which I'm a fan of). It sets a goal for me, and I am a very dedicated person. And yes, I always type formally, it's stuck in my system. I already have met (or already knew) a select few of you, which actually drew me to stay at this server. All in all, I like minecraft, I like building, and I like getting to know new people. You'll be seeing a lot of me, feel free to say hi ;)

Welcome! ;: J
To start off, hello everyone. My name is 12ix, call me what you like, it won't matter to me. :) After searching through servers, I have found a rare amount that have caught my eye and made me want to stay. After a few minutes on this server, I got a hang of it pretty quickly. As being the server with the most guests in minecraft, there are many crazy guests leaving and joining every minute. I noticed that the amount of ranked players is very small compared to the amount of guests, which shows that you actually have to work for your rank (which I'm a fan of). It sets a goal for me, and I am a very dedicated person. And yes, I always type formally, it's stuck in my system. I already have met (or already knew) a select few of you, which actually drew me to stay at this server. All in all, I like minecraft, I like building, and I like getting to know new people. You'll be seeing a lot of me, feel free to say hi ;)
Don't worry. There's a person of every caliber here at Team9000. When I first came I was one of those who always typed formally. I've still got the top-notch impeccable spelling and punctuation etc., but otherwise...
Who is this fresh meat that has slinked into my InterWeb? Hmm...it looks almost like an imaginary number. I think you'll enjoy your time here. We have lots of wonderful things for you to do, such as play games with us. All of us. Soon you will be wrapped into a cocoon of pleasure and be unabel to escape from its bindings. Eventually all of your energy will be consumed by us and shared equally. Soon you'll be just a husk of what you once were. Soon...soon...


(I wrote all of that just so I could post that pic of the spider smiling. Also, if you're at work, don't EVER do a Google image search of the phrase "welcome said the spider." NSFW)
Who is this fresh meat that has slinked into my InterWeb? Hmm...it looks almost like an imaginary number. I think you'll enjoy your time here. We have lots of wonderful things for you to do, such as play games with us. All of us. Soon you will be wrapped into a cocoon of pleasure and be unabel to escape from its bindings. Eventually all of your energy will be consumed by us and shared equally. Soon you'll be just a husk of what you once were. Soon...soon...


(I wrote all of that just so I could post that pic of the spider smiling. Also, if you're at work, don't EVER do a Google image search of the phrase "welcome said the spider." NSFW)

Damn you for posting that spider picture!

Welcome to Team9000 hope to see you around!
Just so you know, rank on classic up until builder is time/contribution based. Whereas ranks above that are not something you set goals to, as you may end up disappointed.

They are not time based, they are not build based. It simply comes with us getting to know you, and if those in charge want to make the decision to do so.

Just letting you know, so you don't get all rank crazy like I did. The more you want it, the more you won't get it.


Just so you know, rank on classic up until builder is time/contribution based. Whereas ranks above that are not something you set goals to, as you may end up disappointed.

They are not time based, they are not build based. It simply comes with us getting to know you, and if those in charge want to make the decision to do so.

Just letting you know, so you don't get all rank crazy like I did. The more you want it, the more you won't get it.



That is a hell uv' a lot of spaces :confused:
Also OHAI:D (again) :p :cool:
Who is this fresh meat that has slinked into my InterWeb? Hmm...it looks almost like an imaginary number. I think you'll enjoy your time here. We have lots of wonderful things for you to do, such as play games with us. All of us. Soon you will be wrapped into a cocoon of pleasure and be unabel to escape from its bindings. Eventually all of your energy will be consumed by us and shared equally. Soon you'll be just a husk of what you once were. Soon...soon...

That sure was a joy to read. Thanks for the interesting welcome. My inner spider is ready for whatever you have prepared for me...I think.

Hi. You Aussie?

No, I am not...Sorry :unsure:

Just so you know, rank on classic up until builder is time/contribution based. Whereas ranks above that are not something you set goals to, as you may end up disappointed.

They are not time based, they are not build based. It simply comes with us getting to know you, and if those in charge want to make the decision to do so.

Just letting you know, so you don't get all rank crazy like I did. The more you want it, the more you won't get it.


Don't worry, I knew what I was getting myself into. Either way, I know that I will enjoy myself here.

And hi to the couple of you that I already know, my stay here will be fun with you all.