2000 Get


Well-Known Member
And for this I leave you with ROOTDestiny, pro starcraft 2 player.

He streams on jtv on justin.tv/steven_bonnell_ii

I've watched him for a few months now, and he's been improving at the game greatly, and raging and BMing people the whole time. He recently went to the MLG Dallas LAN, but didn't make it to the championship brackets as there were other pros out there with more skill, but I think given a few more months he'll be rolling up there as well.

Also any ROOTGaming streams are a good watch, Catz, Drewbie, and minigun all stream on justintv as well, though as of late they haven't been streaming much of their games with MLG being this last weekend, the NASL starting in a week, and the new IGN tournament that is going to be going on.

And with that, 2000 poast get.