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3 years around here(s)


Well-Known Member
So yeah.

I've been here 3 years.

I'll save my life story for my 18th birthday, and just tell my T9K life story.

Here you go.

So I joined the Classic server on June 17, 2011. (Bought minecraft in September or so 2010. Can't remember exactly when, it was one of the last couple of updates in Alpha.)

My first day (Or night as I was up until 4PM playing it.), consisted of me making 3 by 3 stone elevators with water in the middle.

I made several dozen of these throughout the night, with t7seven7t(Yes, I did have to look on steam to see which came first, the 7 or the t), and Pyrofiredelta consistently giving me water and lava. I kept pressing R and having to make a new one, much to t7seven7t's annoyance. I played here for a couple of days before getting banned accidentally for a week by Riein due to griefing. (If you can't go around it, and you can't go over, might as well go through it). I made a forum account due to the ban and eventually got ranked up to builder.

I then proceeded on to mumble, where people quickly found out due to my voice that I was, indeed, not 26 years old. (Sorry, Wooty, <3)

I spent the rest of my days being a squeaker in Minor Inconvenience, after my birthday was righted.

I was content with Classic and didn't join the Survival server until August of that year.

Once I joined, I became a member of the the town Brighton. It was nice, and I looked through it on the Survival Reunion Server. Nostalgic just thinking about it.

After a few weeks, I found myself randomly kicked from it. I guess my house sucked.

After that, for a short time I joined Phat's Mansion, before leaving for the massive (and far away, holy crap) town of Sanctum.

I spent the rest of 1.7.3 in Sanctum, as a minor member of that community.

I spent my 1.8-1.0.0 days playing PvP faction servers, and left T9K for the most part. Shortly coming back and Joining Shroomville. Afterwards, I left Team9000 from Early 2012 all the way through June of 2013. During this time I moderated Twkiller96's server, my own Minecraft server, played PvP faction servers, and played World of Warcraft.

I came back in Mid June to write my 2 year anniversary blog, and haven't left again since. After all, if I leave again, I die. So you can expect to see a lot of me.

I'll be here until the day I die, and perhaps afterwards (prepare your anus). You guys have been helpful and a lot of fun, and hopefully I've been able to share and return some of that.

I've talked about the past, now let's briefly discuss the future.

I seem to be the top laner for the T9K ranked League of Legends team, and I hope I'll be able to be a valuable asset, and will push (lol) the team to many victories once we get this started.

I also watch a lot of anime, and I am considering starting up a blog where I humorously review anime and manga, for your entertainment.

I've recently done a mass friend list expansion on steam, (be sure to add me if I haven't added you yet. Steam name is Kris19642) and I look forward to joining everyone in Steam as well, as well as participating in more gamenights.

Starting in January, I'll begin searching for a job, and hopefully I'll be able to purchase more games, meaning I'll be even more of an active participant in these shenanigans.

I've been practicing for more covers, and I promise with ever upload I'll at least be 7% less sucky.

I'm learning Japanese, and I'd like to think I'm pretty good. I watch most of my anime and such now a days without subtitles.

Random information:

Height: 5'10 (178 centimeters)
Weight: 137 pounds
Erm... Yeah.

That's just about everything.

If you read to here, thanks for reading.

If you skipped to here, kill yourself. <3

I don't know what to say other than you are an awesome person with great wisdom and humor to apply onto here on the Team9000 forums for our pleasure and entertainment. Thank you for all your valiant efforts to keep it fun! Most of all, keep it real Kris <3
Your height and weight are abnormally close to mine. That's strange. Anywho, happy three years. I'll also have you know I'm enjoying Mekakucity Actors. Very, very much.
Man, all these anniversary blogs makes me feel like I should do one for my upcoming 4-year...I tried to do my 3-year but my list of people that I wanted to mention made the post 6x the character limit....I think most of T9k past and present has chatted with me at some point or another, and I didn't want to piss anyone off.....