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A Dark Family Secret.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has skeletons in the closet. Secrets they do not want others to know. Sometimes, these skeletons are whole villages, hiding in the basement of a family homestead. My family has one such secret. I live in the South, and as such, i am going to have relatives who believe in...Segregation. But, when you are 11 years old, and you see a little red cross in a circle with a teardrop in the middle of the cross in a box, in the closet, you are going to ask what it is. i already knew i was a descendant of slave owners. And, i knew parts of my family were part of the ... Klu Klux Klan. But, i didn't know i was a direct descendant of a Grand Dragon. And someone in my immediate family was an honorary Member. I have hated racism since i was a child. Ironic, isn't it? -_- I hate it. Secrets. They make you think about who you are. My family past has no reflection in my future. Or the way i view others. I know there are worse secrets in the world, secrets that ruin lives. This is the worst part of my family, that i have seen so far. -.-

If this is offensive, remove it.
Oh wow,
I recently found out I was related to Welsh Royalty, the Stuarts that lived around the year 1200.
Related to Jesse James, the notorious outlaw from the Wild West. And by related, I mean directly. I don't find this offensive. We all have shadows of the past looming over us, things we wish we could undo, but we were powerless to stop. What determines a person isn't what their past contains, but how they handle the present, and look at their future. <3
Every family has it's dark secrets. My family doesn't have a skeleton in our closet, we have an entire graveyard in there, you know?
My great great grandfather went to jail for killing a guy in a breadline during the depression. The man insulted his wife, so he killed the guy.
@Alyyiah That's very courageous of you to oppose your family's views and to think independently. My own parents are bigoted as well against African/African-Americans and LGBT persons (although probably not as much as the Klan), but I've made many friends in life that are of those "backgrounds". Sometimes I wonder if I would take on my parents' views if I hadn't gone to a public school that promoted diversity. Anyways, much respect to you.

@Chiba So badass-ness runs in your family? :D
after reading this i started doing some research on my family (google <3)
so far i only found out that we've been living in the same poor place for atleast 200 years..
My family built houses for higher levels of society up into the 1850s. I recently found out that the mothers in my family were - up until my great-great-grandmother - almost all servant girls who were raped by the men in my family, then married when it was discovered they were pregnant.

Which explains why my family tree is a clusterfuck.
One of my ancestors introduced divorce into the Philippines. Of course, if you know the history of the Philippines, you know all of it is Catholic. I'm pretty sure my ancestor was hated. However, he was also the first judge of Santa Maria, so I'm sure he still has a somewhat okay reputation.
So I found out last week that my great grandfather and my great-great grandfather are the same person.
Godlib, you're a giant sea monster who is afraid of his own sock-puppet-wearing tail.

Of course you're adopted. How on earth would I ever give birth to a giant sock puppet wearing sea monster?
Meh my family is descended from English royalty that goes even further back to Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor who is believed to be the King pictured on a deck of cards known as the "Suicide King"
I'm related to President Andrew Jackson. Death to the injuns! (Not my view, by the way, just sarcasm. It actually wasn't his view either. But I digress, killing my own joke)
@Marioman Wot. I never said i was. I said I have ANCESTORS who were part of it. I have NO affiliation with that horrid group! Do NOT accuse me of being Klan! EVER.