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A Lucid Arguement


Well-Known Member
The cool pillow beneath my head reminded me that it takes about 10-25 minutes for the body to relax through meditation of losing sensory input. Sometimes you forget the autonomy behind the body's basic functions and senses until you focus on just one. Whether its the texture of the fibers surrounding you, or the not-silent ambiance of the room you sleep in. The slow beating of your heart, the slower breathing of the lungs. Everything else fades as the subtleties of that one sense are focused. Then, as your mind's voice grows silent and start drifting toward the state of slumber, you let the sensory tether go and wander.

The mind's eye can replicate to the last detail anything you want to see. Its as clear as a photograph or video, these manifestations. The process is like tulpa-crafting, because it incorporates a similar amount of imagination and methodology used in lucid dreaming. The difference is state of consciousness, as the active brain waves are different than when a person is awake. Some people warn against summoning the tulpa before sleeping until after it is fleshed-out completely in thought so the form is non-compromised. Lucid dreaming, on the other hand requires a conscious mastery of the brain during sleep, so nothing unwanted is manifested.

As I noted the transition, my imagination kicked in and started generating an image. It was a tall mirror, about twice the width of my body and slightly taller. Its ornate silver frame glistened and swirled with a blue iridescence and made me wonder if moonlight solidified to such a pearly metallic state. I approached the mirror and looked upon my reflection. Just me, except the sunburst tattoo around my right eye glowed silver in the reflection. I reached my hand toward the surface; Quicksilver - that's the correct texture. I pushed through the frame, first engulfing my arm and then a leg through the mirror's rippling surface. However I misjudged my footing and almost fell stepping through.

I floated around for a while in the mist and approached a room full of children's toys piled around the corners. The shelving and cabinets were stuffed full of papers, some sticking out of the seams. No windows, but well-lit. A door with an ornate handle across the room displayed itself as the only exit out. After a thought of how this room was reached without an entrance, a rippling sensation emanated from behind me. As I turned around, the mist surrounding everything I saw condensated to a humanoid form, then detailed itself in full. A huge mane of orange-blonde hair, shimmering pale skin and cat-like eyes. Feathers and hyalopterous insects covered her otherwise muscular bare novelties, and she stood there looking down at me with a tilted head. This was what I looked for.

"... well, that took you long enough to figure out." she smirked. Her pointed canines briefly showed.
I eyed her with a level look. "You say that like its an easy task."
"Well, I apologize for any perceived patronage. Still took you a while."
"I thought you wouldn't understand the concept of time"
She rolled her eyes at me. "Human constructs such as time merely place a point of relativity on a measurable scale. You know that. For me, it doesn't matter. For You, on the other hand it does, so I applied that measurable scale to your actions."
I glared at her and raised an eyebrow "And I thought my meticulousness was a pain in the ass."
"Hey now." She showed her hands and shrugged. "Sticks and stones. Did you expect any less of yourself?"
"... Touche."
I found myself walking around the room looking at the shelves of stuffed papers. "I came by to clean up some of this clutter."
"Oh, Thank GOD. Its getting annoying, all those morals and other puffs of clutter building up. Tidy up the place a bit more often!"
"You know why I needed to do this."
"Yes..." I sighed. "I also know why you don't do that as often as you should. Should consider how much this clutter is barring you from improving your current life situations"
"I am. I also know how important this sort of structuring is for interacting with others."
"Yeess, because that's oh-so-important to you." I jeered.
"And its arguments like these that make me wonder why you even bother." my hair started changing colors to a vibrant red-orange. "maybe if we could agree on more things it wouldn't be so difficult out there!" The room started swirling with an air current that picked up some of the loose sheets of paper. They contained images, writing, sounds. Some of the sheets started folding upon themselves and transformed into undiscernable origami shapes, crawling along the bamboo floor mats.
"We're SUPPOSED to be a little different from each other! That's how it works!"
"You think i'm not influencing your choices? We're The SAME. It affects the BOTH OF US." The doors of the cabinets and shelves slammed open, releasing more sheets of paper in a whirlwind.
"... I don't want to argue with you!" I angrily picked up my first stuffed animal - a bunny with a flower dress on - and threw it at myself. I caught it, then stared at the bunny's face. The whirlwind stopped, and the papers fell to the floor.
"... You're still cleaning that up." I said firmly, clutching my stuffed animal. The room started spinning like an inverted whirlwind.
"Fine. But, let me ask you..."
"I already know the question, dumbass."
"... should I go for it?"
I gave her a level look. "Do you really want to know the answer?"​

And I jerked awake with a warm pillow beneath my head.
I dislike centered text. My phone doesn't auto-align it.

In any case, interesting description of a lucid dream. You really should write here more often.
Wait, was this your lucid dream or were you describing what one would be like through a story?
Regardless, it was a good read.
I might try picking up lucid dreaming again. Even with dream journals and tons of guides I've never been successful at it. Hell, who knows, maybe it'll help me with my tulpa, or maybe it'd be an awful mistake to try both at once.
@GinyuuuFORCE!: I wouldn't try both at once; to be honest, my ability to control my lucid dreaming came by accident. For some reason, visualizing movements are much easier for me than stationary objects or images. Usually I will focus on a rotating pinwheel or orbs revolving around a center point of reference. Then, go from there to visualize an object existing in a stationary manner. When you can keep that visualization up for 5 or more minutes at a time, try a different image. At some point, you will experience an almost buzzing, wobbly sensation where your physical eyes may see morphing particles of blue, green, and purple. That, after time again practicing was the indicator for me of an incoming lucid experience.

@Gurururuspinmerightround: I write by inspiration, so if a topic or story dawns upon me, then more will come. I've got a couple other narrations of past dreams I could share, but I'm picky about those :eek:

@Vorsykun: wait, there was only one blue pill? :confused: aaaaawwwwwfffffffuuuuu----

@Everyone Else: If it wasn't clear in the change of tense within the story, I was arguing with what my imagination perceived to be my subconsciousness, in a tangible form.
The use of the pronoun "I" for yourself and your subconscious manifestation confuses me as to who is talking. While I realize that the subconscious is you, I get the impression that your dream conscience is switching perspectives between you and your subconsciousness , like it's not really your subconsciousness acting snidely and answering your questions, but your dream conscience answering its own (in manner of treating the two as separate entities).