A Minecraft Fantasy Show!!


New Member
We've seen all sorts of Minecraft add ons and what not.

I don't know if anyone has ever created a show... We have!

Basically, the format is going to play out like a TV show.

Check out this Sample!


If you guys like the idea, we would appreciate it if you helped share the video.

We hope to release the entire 1st episode within the next two weeks.

We believe the running time will come in just under an hour.

To stay up to date with new samples and clips along the way, please subscribe!

Thank you.

(Also, please note the quality is considerably lower than the final product will be)
What is this? And I think this is in violation of the forum rules...

It's an actual show we are working on. It is going to be like any other TV show. Just in minecraft. :)

And I'm really sorry if I am violating the rules. Sorry man.

Did you see the clip? Did you like it?
Not a big fan of you posting on here trying to get your word out of this, watched the first 10 seconds before I got bored of it, wouldn't watch it, so stop advertising and yea
Not a big fan of you posting on here trying to get your word out of this, watched the first 10 seconds before I got bored of it, wouldn't watch it, so stop advertising and yea

Thanks for the honesty.

And I wont advertise on here. I really just wanted a discussion, I'm not selling anything.
We've seen all sorts of Minecraft add ons and what not.

I don't know if anyone has ever created a show... We have!

Basically, the format is going to play out like a TV show.

Check out this Sample!


If you guys like the idea, we would appreciate it if you helped share the video.

We hope to release the entire 1st episode within the next two weeks.

We believe the running time will come in just under an hour.

To stay up to date with new samples and clips along the way, please subscribe!

Thank you.

(Also, please note the quality is considerably lower than the final product will be)
You keep saying "we" as if you are more than one person... who is this "we" you speak of, and are they members of Team9000?
I apologize.

I would really appreciate your opinion on the content though. :)
didn't watch the whole, thing cause as pyrhos said, it gets boring fast, try to make your sentences shorter so you can get your intro across faster, that said, of course don't make it too short, but seeing the format of the dialogue looks like your writer is competent enough to know what i mean :)
anyways from what i heard, seems that this could turn into an interesting story, just remember, try to keep it less like a book and more like a movie :)
You keep saying "we" as if you are more than one person... who is this "we" you speak of, and are they members of Team9000?

We, as in my partners working on the project with me. We are not part of Team9000.

We've been working on this thing for a while, and want to release the entire thing soon.
didn't watch the whole, thing cause as pyrhos said, it gets boring fast, try to make your sentences shorter so you can get your intro across faster, that said, of course don't make it too short, but seeing the format of the dialogue looks like your writer is competent enough to know what i mean :)
anyways from what i heard, seems that this could turn into an interesting story, just remember, try to keep it less like a book and more like a movie :)

Thanks for the input. :)

Sounds like you gave it more than 10 seconds. Wish you would have finished it though. :sneaky:
First and foremost, looking at your join date and the amount of posts it seems that you only joined Team9000 to advertise your "series".

Took to long for the narrator to start talking, the voice didn't fit the "narrator" theme and the princes voices at the end were plain annoying.
First and foremost, looking at your join date and the amount of posts it seems that you only joined Team9000 to advertise your "series".

Took to long for the narrator to start talking, the voice didn't fit the "narrator" theme and the princes voices at the end were plain annoying.

Yes, I joined because I wanted peoples input. Thank you for yours.
You are not a member of T9k. You signed up here to advertise, plain and simple. You should post stuff like this in a forum that is Minecraft-focused, like minecraftforums or planetminecraft - where you could get a much faster and larger input response. Team9000 is not a place to get free advertising. Because of your intentional misuse of the forums (this isn't even in the right subforum!), I would choose to not watch the show, even if it looked appealing.

Which it doesn't.

Regardless, your post here has been reported as violating Official Forum Rule #1 which states "Do not post...advertising." I have also reported your other thread for the same reason. Good day sir.
You are not a member of T9k. You signed up here to advertise, plain and simple. You should post stuff like this in a forum that is Minecraft-focused, like minecraftforums or planetminecraft - where you could get a much faster and larger input response. Team9000 is not a place to get free advertising. Because of your intentional misuse of the forums (this isn't even in the right subforum!), I would choose to not watch the show, even if it looked appealing.

Which it doesn't.

Regardless, your post here has been reported as violating Official Forum Rule #1 which states "Do not post...advertising." I have also reported your other thread for the same reason. Good day sir.

U got me all wrong bro.

I did this to test u. I wanted to make sure we had proper security on this site.. its it tip top shape sir.

Never have I seen a site that took itself so seriously. Bravo dude.

Proud of ya.

Oh yea.. uhh.. Good day sir. lmao

Dude, did u ever think maybe ur being a bit rude.

Im not selling anything, I wanted peoples honest opinion on this material.

I had no intention to throw sand in ur vag.

There must have already been some there lol
U got me all wrong bro.

I did this to test u. I wanted to make sure we had proper security on this site.. its it tip top shape sir.

Never have I seen a site that took itself so seriously. Bravo dude.

Proud of ya.

Oh yea.. uhh.. Good day sir. lmao

Dude, did u ever think maybe ur being a bit rude.

Im not selling anything, I wanted peoples honest opinion on this material.

I had no intention to throw sand in ur vag.

There must have already been some there lol
Like I said, there are better sites for getting input on stuff like that. You broke a rule, and I'm informing you that your show doesn't look appealing. Just because you can't get any POSITIVE feedback doesn't mean we're being rude. It means your show looks boring, and you broke a fairly important rule.

In any case, as far as being rude goes, I fail to see where I was rude at all. Factual is not rude. I guess you didn't really want feedback, you wanted us to share the video. Well, I wanted to avoid it, but you asked for it over and over again. Here's my honest opinion - and I promise I'm not being negative just because I don't like you, your grammar is poor to say the least, you insulted both myself and the community I consider myself a veteran member of, you implied that I'm a female and that females are a weaker sex, you implied I would only reply in the manner I did because I was already in a bad mood (I assure you, I'm still not in a bad mood, and nothing you can say or do will change that), you use that annoying double-spaced line everywhere, or that you're a troll. This really is my honest opinion, that had you been a member of this community, not insulted me, and been truly asking for feedback, I would have given.

Your show doesn't look appealing; for me mainly because the voices are annoying, the builds are poor, the texture pack is over-used, the video doesn't make sense relative to the narration, the narration doesn't make sense either for that matter, the gaps between sentences is far too long, the video is too dark, the name of the series appears to have nothing to do with the show's theme, and overall it's boring.

Good day.
U got me all wrong bro.

I did this to test u. I wanted to make sure we had proper security on this site.. its it tip top shape sir.

Never have I seen a site that took itself so seriously. Bravo dude.

Proud of ya.

Oh yea.. uhh.. Good day sir. lmao

Dude, did u ever think maybe ur being a bit rude.

Im not selling anything, I wanted peoples honest opinion on this material.

I had no intention to throw sand in ur vag.

There must have already been some there lol

What the fuck do you mean by testing if there was proper security on this site, how does that relate to Negative But Constructive criticism?

Also, what Gurw said and a whole lot more that wouldn't be civil if it was said.
Guys calm down. He made this account on Team9000 in order to advertise - this is pretty obvious as the only posts he made were about his show.
Just get over it, all he wants is attention.