A Minecraft Fantasy Show!!

I kinda liked it, though it is a little long, and you may want to get someone else to voice the narrations. The line you got across is a little confusing, I guess it all added up to the princes will have to fight among each other to decide who gets to rule the kingdom? The information about the daughters had no significance in this imo.. unless this is like, the start of the first episode, rather the preview.

As for the other posts, you only need one thread, not multiple. This could have been a blog (Team9000 members, some of you advertise your shit here as well (music whores, LPs, etc.) so don't be so mean. Yes, he joined to advertise, but that doesn't mean you chase him off... I thought Team9000 wanted as many members as we could get that could be a good part of the community. Doomy, We would appreciate it if you could read and learn the rules of our forums, as well as follow them. That being said, if you could do that and want to stay, welcome to Team9000.

Don't talk to Gurw like that, kthx.
I kinda liked it, though it is a little long, and you may want to get someone else to voice the narrations. The line you got across is a little confusing, I guess it all added up to the princes will have to fight among each other to decide who gets to rule the kingdom? The information about the daughters had no significance in this imo.. unless this is like, the start of the first episode, rather the preview.

As for the other posts, you only need one thread, not multiple. This could have been a blog (Team9000 members, some of you advertise your shit here as well (music whores, LPs, etc.) so don't be so mean. Yes, he joined to advertise, but that doesn't mean you chase him off... I thought Team9000 wanted as many members as we could get that could be a good part of the community. Doomy, We would appreciate it if you could read and learn the rules of our forums, as well as follow them. That being said, if you could do that and want to stay, welcome to Team9000.

Don't talk to Gurw like that, kthx.

Honestly ma'am, I don't really see this as advertising. I wanted peoples opinions on my work. They don't have to watch the video if they don't want to.

Thank you very much for your insight. Yes, this is the start of the first episode. The episode is going to be almost an hour long actually... So I understand why everything doesn't make sense.

By the way, if you get the chance, I would love your insight on our second clip. If you follow the video to our channel, you can see the second video we posted. It is a sample of another scene.

Either way, thank you very much for your honesty.

I have to admit, I wasn't very interested in staying on this site because of all the negative comments. They really made me upset.

You were very kind. :)

Here is the link if you are interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzkHqYi3rq8
Not to be rude but if the above and the opening post isn't a form of advertising then what is?

Also, if you only take the positive criticism and not the negative criticism how will you gain anything out of this venture of yours?
The narrating had little I could admire. The voice is hard to listen to, the diction itself is both spoken too quickly while feeling out of place. I'm up for an intellectual challenge, but the words used to narrate were more complex than they should be in a film. On top of that, in some cases the subtitles covered almost half the screen, both subtracting from the image behind them and making them difficult to read(Which I was trying to do, since the narration was, again, too fast.) What you're doing is fit for a book, not a movie.

I found the idea of the story, as well as the setting, to be passable. However, it took me a little long to realize what I was watching.

My advice: Pick much simpler diction, get a narrator with a deeper, more pronounced voice, cut the subtitles up, and slow down the speech a little. Also, don't join a forum just to advertise there. A quality product will earn you more publicity than widespread self-promotion. As well, we don't care if you were testing our security, or if you don't see this as advertising. As long as you are in Team9000's domain, then Team9000's rules and opinions are precedent to yours. So far, it seems the most advisable option would be to move your operations elsewhere.
Honestly ma'am, I don't really see this as advertising.
ad·ver·tis·ing [ad-ver-tahy-zing]
1. The act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc.


Look, if you had been a member for longer, I wouldn't care. If you had actually played on our servers, hopped onto Mumble, maybe spent some time here as an actual member of the community; I would welcome a post like this. You haven't done any of that, however, and quite frankly, that irks me. You waltz in here like you belong and don't even bother to check out the rules or spend the time to find the proper place to post what you're bringing with you? Sorry, that doesn't fly with me.
ad·ver·tis·ing [ad-ver-tahy-zing]
1. The act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc.


Look, if you had been a member for longer, I wouldn't care. If you had actually played on our servers, hopped onto Mumble, maybe spent some time here as an actual member of the community; I would welcome a post like this. You haven't done any of that, however, and quite frankly, that irks me. You waltz in here like you belong and don't even bother to check out the rules or spend the time to find the proper place to post what you're bringing with you? Sorry, that doesn't fly with me.
This is exactly how I feel about this situation.
This is exactly how I feel about this situation.

I agree.....

The narrating had little I could admire. The voice is hard to listen to, the diction itself is both spoken too quickly while feeling out of place. I'm up for an intellectual challenge, but the words used to narrate were more complex than they should be in a film. On top of that, in some cases the subtitles covered almost half the screen, both subtracting from the image behind them and making them difficult to read(Which I was trying to do, since the narration was, again, too fast.) What you're doing is fit for a book, not a movie.

I found the idea of the story, as well as the setting, to be passable. However, it took me a little long to realize what I was watching.

My advice: Pick much simpler diction, get a narrator with a deeper, more pronounced voice, cut the subtitles up, and slow down the speech a little. Also, don't join a forum just to advertise there. A quality product will earn you more publicity than widespread self-promotion. As well, we don't care if you were testing our security, or if you don't see this as advertising. As long as you are in Team9000's domain, then Team9000's rules and opinions are precedent to yours. So far, it seems the most advisable option would be to move your operations elsewhere.

You made a lot of good points here. I am strongly considering re-doing the voice work. And yea, maybe the subtitles took up too much of the screen. I will hopefully fix that too.

I understand the story seems simple just from watching this clip, but we are really working hard on making a memorable story.

Imagine a world with armies of Pigmen, Land Barons, Politics,Kings, Princes, etc... We believe it is really shaping up to be a delicious story. :)

Anyway, thank you very much for the insight. This was definitely a rough cut of the intro.

And I just want to drop the subject of me advertising.

I apologize. I was looking for widespread feedback on the material. I should have stopped and taken things more seriously. Lets all just calm down and get on with our lives now. :)
Not to be rude but if the above and the opening post isn't a form of advertising then what is?

Also, if you only take the positive criticism and not the negative criticism how will you gain anything out of this venture of yours?

I don't have a problem with the negative criticism. People just didn't seem to have an impartial opinion. For instance, one person said they got bored after 10 seconds and stopped watching. You're not trying to give an opinion if you spend 10 seconds on it. He should have just saved himself those 10 seconds haha.
ad·ver·tis·ing [ad-ver-tahy-zing]
1. The act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, need, etc.


Look, if you had been a member for longer, I wouldn't care. If you had actually played on our servers, hopped onto Mumble, maybe spent some time here as an actual member of the community; I would welcome a post like this. You haven't done any of that, however, and quite frankly, that irks me. You waltz in here like you belong and don't even bother to check out the rules or spend the time to find the proper place to post what you're bringing with you? Sorry, that doesn't fly with me.

Alright man.

You got me.

I surrender.
I don't have a problem with the negative criticism. People just didn't seem to have an impartial opinion. For instance, one person said they got bored after 10 seconds and stopped watching. You're not trying to give an opinion if you spend 10 seconds on it. He should have just saved himself those 10 seconds haha.
That IS an impartial opinion. It means the first ten seconds are so boring the person decides they don't want to see any more. People make their decision on whether or not a video looks interesting in the first 30 seconds. To back that point up, just look at the average length of TV commercials over the last 20 years. They've gone from 5-10 minutes to less than a minute. Why? We've already made our decision by the 30-second mark, and any longer of a commercial is a waste of money on their part.
That IS an impartial opinion. It means the first ten seconds are so boring the person decides they don't want to see any more. People make their decision on whether or not a video looks interesting in the first 30 seconds. To back that point up, just look at the average length of TV commercials over the last 20 years. They've gone from 5-10 minutes to less than a minute. Why? We've already made our decision by the 30-second mark, and any longer of a commercial is a waste of money on their part.

Interesting point.. however, this wasn't a commercial. This was a clip of an hour long episode.
I guess it makes sense either way though, the fact that people decide in a few seconds.
Interesting point.. however, this wasn't a commercial. This was a clip of an hour long episode.
I guess it makes sense either way though, the fact that people decide in a few seconds.
The commercial relevance was just because that was what the study was on. I would suggest shortening the title screen to less than 3 seconds, preferably with a flashy sound and graphic to go with it. BAM this is what the show is, then cut to the meat.