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A new command


the command would be /admin (reason)
in the rules u would right do/admin (reason) to notify an admin that there is greif u need help (lava or water)
Greif: /admin greif
Lava or water: /admin water /admin lava
the comand will notify players builder and above.

i think this is a good suggestions cause builders and down could use it to notify adminswhen they need help instead of spamming the chat cause there anuff chat going on in the chat its hard to find admins or atleast get there atenson sometimes. i hope my suggestion is considered ty
lol epic fail on my part :) but barely any guest know of it its not in the /rules or anything i think it should be promnoted more then cause its really useful
The /staff chat can be read only by awesome rank or higher (green and red names) hence why nobody ever uses it (appearently). We actually use it to discuss issues as promotions, or moderation problems. Personally, i've always discouraged guests from using the staff chat as generally, the normal chat serves just fine. In case you are reporting grief, you just need to wait a bit, as only 2-3 mods/admins are on at a time, or 1-2 depending on your timezone, and we have to look over a quite large number of other users. As for water and lava laying, generally its up to the builders, we can do it, but there are usually more builders on than mods/admins, and many of them take that as a "duty". That said, in case of particular issues with some players, (i.e. someone bothering you) you might prefer to use staff chat or even pm one of the mods/admins on, using @playername message. That said, know that excessive use of the staff chat might be considered chatspam, and a bit more serious than the regular chat spam.