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A Powerful Rant from Chiba


Well-Known Member
Yes, all of my rants will have similar names.

Anyway, getting to the topic of this rant, obviously, I'm talking about power. People strive for it, crave it, will do anything for it. However, some people can't handle the power given to them. They misuse it, abuse it, become snobbish and look down at those who have less, even though they were friends at one point. I've seen it happen, and hell, I've had times like this. I'll admit it. I've felt superior to those who didn't have the same power I did, however, when I realized soon after power means nothing if you're not in control of it, there's no point to having it. Thus, I stopped thinking that way.

Obviously, by now, you've realized this is another rant about classic, and ranks, except this time, it's less of a stress rant and more of an annoyed one. As I mentioned before, some people cannot handle the power given to them. I refuse to say any names, and don't ask. You won't be answered. And I'm not just talking Engi+ either. Some can't handle builder, or even cool rank. I know those ranks are based solely on time and builds, but the fact still remains that some people can't even handle those ranks, and will abuse their new gotten powers. I recall, like maybe... 3 or 4 months ago? I'm not sure, but there was massive amounts of water/lava spam all over guest world and a bit into the cool world as well. It was ridiculous, and not just in the open areas, either. Blips of water and lava were on builds, and even the traps you can touch.

Some people also think that just because they now have a rank, they are excluded from the rules. I've seen a lot of issues involving cools and builders alike. For example, I've seen builders troll guests, and I don't mean through chat. I'm talking hiding, then trying to bury the guests. That's not right by any means. Now, like, say placing a random block occasionally just to confuse them momentarily is fine, but when you do it constantly, it's harassment. With your ranks, you're supposed to be setting an example for the guests, not bothering the piss out of them so they want to leave. That makes you, and all of Team9000 look bad.

Now... on to the fun part you've all been waiting to hear. Engi+. My god, Engi+. I'm going to be honest here, I have absolutely no idea how some of the people got their rank, myself included in that. I mean, I wasn't even a helpful builder half the time. I was quiet, and didn't care about what was going on, and then, bam. I have awesome rank. However, I'm still the same: Not too helpful, quiet, don't care half the time. Some people, though, turned out-right snooty towards people lower than them, or turned into such duty-sworn hardasses that they're not fun to be around. Here's the thing, people: 1. Everyone on the Classic server is equal. Ranks mean nothing, but a colored name. Higher ranks like engineer do not make you any more special than the group of builders that got their rank that same day. I'm sick of seeing and hearing people who think otherwise. 2. It's a game, folks. It's not like you're the Minecraft S.W.A.T. team. Tone down all the seriousness, seriously.

Something else that bothers me is that this... overzealous "I'm engi. I'm better than you." attitude is continuing on the forums and in mumble. It's crazy. Look, it's like I said earlier. Ranks mean nothing. They do not make you more popular, they will not get you new friends, and they will, most certainly, not get you free respect for the community. If you're a dick, respect will be lost. Several people already have lost any ounce of respect I had for them, and, to be blunt, they will have to try hard to get it back, if they're even lucky to get it back. Should everyone try to strive for my respect? No. Feel free to be a dick all you want, but I can guarantee you'll lose more than just mine.

And now, the subject of admin abuse, or "ADMIN ABOOSE" as it's known on classic. There is a distinct difference between muting a builder for spamming the global channel with random garbage, and muting them for the sake of muting them. Which one sounds like more of an abuse to you? To some people, both of these are abuse, usually it's builders, and not always the one who gets punished. Like I said before, ranks do not make you exempt from the rules. Awesomes, like myself, have to follow the rules. We don't get anymore of a boundary than you do. You're probably thinking: "*cough*Bullshit*cough*". Believe it or not, it's true. Engi+ actually have MORE rules to follow, thanks to their powers, and breaking one of these new rules can result in your powers being revoked. Now, you're likely thinking: "I see engi+ kicking builders for fun all the time. Why don't they ever get in trouble?" They do. They are scolded and warned that if they keep doing it, they'll be stripped of their powers. "And being kicked for being AFK like you were?" That is a legit reason, surprise surprise. It prevents players from idling for so long and raising their hours without doing anything. "What's the point of hours at those ranks?" Bragging rights. Anyway, admin abuse is more like, muting someone for 10 seconds over and over again nonstop, or kicking them for no real reason. Learn the difference before you point fingers and whine.

As I end this rant, I think of every instance when I abused the power given to me. I've done it a few times, I won't lie, however not nearly to the extent some people have. I really can't believe some people are at the rank they are, to be honest. I feel some people don't deserve it, but hey. I don't call the shots on who gets promoted. Maybe someday, I will, but not now, and I'm fine with that. However, until then, all I can do is just sit, watch, and rant about it. Also, if you've gone this far, and not thought I may have been talking about you, assume I was.

I'm thinking of writing a rant twice a month. What do you all think? Also, feel free to suggest subjects for the next one. Please be serious about it, though. <3
I think I am slightly guilty of this. I hate builder rank. Quite simply because of what they do, not because I think I'm better than them.

Some of the people who have rank, I am also very surprised they have it. I know of some very high ranks who now have a God complex, and it's quite startling to be honest.

However, these kind of things can not be avoided. A lot of people are fine, and once in a seat of power develop these terrible tendacies. So sometimes they are unaware that they are being douchebags. Sometimes, you must pull them aside, intervene, and remind them what they are doing is not becoming of them.

I am guilty of trolling, however I do not recall ever putting someone in a position to want to leave, unless that person has done something to put me in an uncomfortable position. I occasionally mute a builder for 5s or so, just teasing. Maybe a freeze and dance around them, but nothing like some of the things I have seen.

Classic is awesome, until you have power, then it feels like it becomes a responsibility, but it's not. You don't owe anyone anything with your rank. Some people get so hard-on about getting on and banning. I just shake my head.

Nice rant Chiba. Twice a week? Perhaps. Maybe once, so you don't seem like you are whining. It's up to you and I too keep original and worthwhile content on the front page. :D
I normally don't read these or even comment on them, but I feel it needs stating if at any time you do run across a builder trolling a guest, as trying to bury them either freeze or kick them. Or bring it to the attention of a pro+ I've already my self handled in issue just like that before and personally will not tolerate it. As for the rest I agree with you in whole though I have my moments of being a jerk >.>;;
Shhh.... Why you got to be telling everyone of what I do :eek:
And Akamoose, you admin aboose, my last kick still has your name all over it :(
*looks at blog title* icwatudidthar

I definitely agree with how overhyped ranks are. Personally, I see engi+ ranks as a symbol of the trust and confidence that higher ranks have for you. Whatever you do with your powers is a reflection of their judgement, so it's best not to embarrass those that promoted you by being a total ass. You gain absolutely nothing from it.

Just as important, ranking up past builder is a testament of how well you treat the community, not just engi+ who are regulars but even the casual guest.

3 sayings come to mind whenever I think of ranks, not just here at T9K but in the rest of society.

1. With great power comes great responsibility.
2. Treat others as you would like others to treat you.
3. There's always a bigger fish.