A quite Hello


New Member
Hello all, in all online games I go by Faelin. I usually am playing MMOs and RPGs. Right now I've been playing Final Fantasy 14. Looking forward to WildStar. I also like to play some console games, recently finished South Park: Stick of truth and am currently playing through Last of Us.
Hope to make some friends!
Yup I love it, I'm on the Lamia server..... 3 50s in DL gear or higher and more on the way.... can't wait for 2.2!
*steps off and my tail goes crazy* Haiii!!! Oh um.. Sorry! I tackle people... Alot :( Just ask mighty and nikki!
I played FFXIV in the beta but stopped playing due to uni stuff and the fact I couldn't pay for the subscription xD. I should get back into it as it was fun!

Also.......Welcome to the awesomeness of Team9000! If you need anything feel free to ask! :D
Hello all, please no fighting. Lets all get along OK ^_^

McFar if you do, I'm on the Lamia server and leader of my own Free Company (Guild). Any that wish to join are welcome.
I've been a lurker for about a year now ^_^.

I would be playing FFXIV also, but I did not want to pay a monthly fee >.>

Sad since it's the only MMO I could get into since...well, FFXI.
Welcome to the magical world of Team9000*, where a coconut, a vegetarian Thanksgiving Dinner and a madman who has an obsession of breaking things rule as our undisputed leaders. I do hope you'll stay awhile and join in on one of our Game Nights or many servers in a variety of games (Heaven forbid if I join in on the festivities).
Just remember, DO NOT under any circumstances piss off the Vorsprung.

Disclaimer: by joining the magical world of Team9000 you are now prohibited from ever leaving. Have fun.
Woo! More membahs!
and welcome to Team9000 Faelin! Oh by the way, my name's Tai :D
Ohai, Faelin. I am Lord Zengoose Gourd. I was once the robotic pumpkin overlord of Team9000, but after a recent run-in with a witch I have been transmogrified into a kappa. Help me.

Take a trip down to our Mumble server, plenty of members are there 24/7. Not me, though, I don't go into Mumble because everyone just hides in their little corners; I only join for gamenights. Speaking of, gamenights are also a great way to meet our members, but we haven't had many in recent months.

Now then, shall we begin the chant?
