A quite Hello

What's that supposed to mean? xD What's with your openly judging people?

Cupcake was widely accepted by the community.... Jealous perhaps?
I'm not Jealous -.- I just hate that woman. I spoke to her once. Never talking to her EVER again *nose cringles* You bring up that I am jealous of her AND I WILL kill you...
I'm not Jealous -.- I just hate that woman. I spoke to her once. Never talking to her EVER again *nose cringles* You bring up that I am jealous of her AND I WILL kill you...
Don't mean to start a thing, but you are literally the only person so far that I know of who has a problem with her.

And even if you do, there is no need for randomly pointing out "YAY SOMEONE NOT LIKE <NAME> BECAUSE I HATE THEM"
Its always good to see another female join the forums here :) Welcome! *waves*

Yay! Another girl! That doesn't act like Conceited_Cupcake! Woo! *tackles Faelin* Hai Fae :D
*tilts head* and maybe that behavior is why we scare off the prospective females don't get as many chickas to join us. Check, check!
First and foremost, welcome to team9000. May your pineapples be ripe and your potato farms be blightless.

Yay! Another girl! That doesn't act like Conceited_Cupcake! Woo! *tackles Faelin* Hai Fae :D
That was right after her third post... ever... way to jump to conclusions nearly instantly.

Sorry about kitty lol, she's my sister and a little insane :P

Anyway Welcome to T9K! :D
Are you guys really related?

I'm not Jealous -.- I just hate that woman. I spoke to her once. Never talking to her EVER again *nose cringles* You bring up that I am jealous of her AND I WILL kill you...
ClawfulKitty Hello there... Me and my friend Alice just came to say Hi, do you want a cupcake?...
Monday at 11:51 AM

Its always good to see another female join the forums here :) Welcome! *waves*

*tilts head* and maybe that behavior is why we scare off the prospective females don't get as many chickas to join us. Check, check!
There are no females on the internet. ;)
First and foremost, welcome to team9000. May your pineapples be ripe and your potato farms be blightless.

That was right after her third post... ever... way to jump to conclusions nearly instantly.

Are you guys really related?

ClawfulKitty Hello there... Me and my friend Alice just came to say Hi, do you want a cupcake?...
Monday at 11:51 AM

There are no females on the internet. ;)
Are. Too. No... We are not related, he's just mai online older brother kinda sorta... WHY CAN'T HE BE MY REAL FUCKING BROTHER SERIOUSLY?! But I'm happy with what I got :D
Don't mean to start a thing, but you are literally the only person so far that I know of who has a problem with her.

And even if you do, there is no need for randomly pointing out "YAY SOMEONE NOT LIKE <NAME> BECAUSE I HATE THEM"
Not that I'm Clawful's biggest fan either, but she's not the only one who dislikes Cupcake. Just saying.

Hello all, in all online games I go by Faelin. I usually am playing MMOs and RPGs. Right now I've been playing Final Fantasy 14. Looking forward to WildStar. I also like to play some console games, recently finished South Park: Stick of truth and am currently playing through Last of Us.
Hope to make some friends!
Was wondering when you were going to finally post.

*totally isn't a no-life creeper who follows new users who show lurking tendencies until they either disappear for months or post for the first time*

BTW, your faucets take an abnormally long time to dispense cold water.
Not that I'm Clawful's biggest fan either, but she's not the only one who dislikes Cupcake. Just saying.

Was wondering when you were going to finally post.

*totally isn't a no-life creeper who follows new users who show lurking tendencies until they either disappear for months or post for the first time*

BTW, your faucets take an abnormally long time to dispense cold water.
Oh yeah, I love you too Gurw xP