A Very Long Introduction


Well-Known Member
I'm not entirely a newb here. Some of you know who I am, but whilst browsing your Internet Wares, I came across this thread and felt it necessary for me to log myself into this lexicon for all posterity to view.

My story is a simple one. I come from a somewhat sterotypical nucleaic family with two elder siblings. I am possibly older than a majority of players on here at 26, even though the average gamer age is somewhere around 35. I am married, which puts a hamper on my gaming life, because my wife dispises video gaming of almost any sort. I am slowly working on bringing her around to the advantages of gaming and trying to minimize the disadvantages of gaming.

My history with Minecraft is short. I started dabbling maybe a month ago or so, around the time Call of Duty: Black Ops was released. My 360 doesn't seem to care much for the game and continuously freezes on me after about an hour (max) of gameplay, so I decided to try out this game I had read about on IGN.com. My purpose for trying the game is two-fold: I am interested in trying new and different games that haven't been done before, and I am also looking for a community to be a part of.

The game itself is entertaining, for the most part, with the regular sources of irritation, but I feel most of those are due to the very young age of the game and therefore its tendency to be buggy. I enjoy MC Classic because of all the amazing things people have re-created and created on the servers, the amount of time and energy needed for some of those projects is stunning, to say the least. MC Alpha is so different from classic and it creates a need to craft in order to survive, I feel more purposeful there than in Classic.

I chose to settle here at T9K because of the great support provided against griefers and the already established group support for old and new players alike. I feel I should digress...

So, I say to all of you at T9K, "Hullo!" and I appreciate all of the support already provided to me by you guys and I hope that I, too, may be able to provide back to the community sometime. Thanks for having me.
Can i haz nickname? One forum I went to came up with the name "AutoBottom", but that wasn't my personal favorite.

O, and hai Belvedere.
You got a slim couple years on the central t9k'ers but we < 3 everyone round these parts...