Amnesia made me shit bricks


New Member
Get Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Turn out all of the lights and put headphones on.
Very dark, not that big of a deal.
Walking through castle solving puzzles.
See this.
Alt+F4 at the speed of fucking light.
i was playing it with my friends on Halloween. while being chased by a whatever the hell kind of monster it was i ran into a room to hid behind some barrels while peeking to see if the monster was there. one of them thought it would be funny to yell really loud and shake my chair. i jumped at least 20 feet in the air and threw my friends mouse across the room.... now the insults never stop.... :'(
Been there. Done that. I cried.
I cried blood and bled tears.

That game = death to your manhood.
I felt like a little girl wearing a sun dress.

i was playing it with my friends on Halloween. while being chased by a whatever the hell kind of monster it was i ran into a room to hid behind some barrels while peeking to see if the monster was there. one of them thought it would be funny to yell really loud and shake my chair. i jumped at least 20 feet in the air and threw my friends mouse across the room.... now the insults never stop.... :'(
Ahaha bastards. It's messed up how if you look at them they detect you easier. You want to look but you can't or they'll make you dead :(