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Appealing an IP Ban


New Member
Dear admins of the server/Owner

I would like to appeal my IP ban for Griefing other players. I won't lie to you, I understand how i should play and follow the rules of your server but my actions were caused by temper. I was afk making some lunch and come back about 5 mins after to see my construction to have chunks taken out of the walls and features destroyed...Instead of telling admins i went off to find someone building and ruin theirs.

I have come to realize that acting this way only caused an inconvenience for the builder, the admins of the server and as a result i get the banhammer. I would like to say sorry to your admins and the players of your server...I enjoy to build, Minecraft is one of the games that relax me and makes me feel satisfied when i stand back and look at my own buildings, i enjoy looking at other peoples work too.

Edit: name in Minecraft is Leg0llama/s forgot if i have an S or not.

Though my excuse isn't valid, i promise this will never happen again no matter if the ban is lifted or not.
I could maybe see this making sense if the building you destroyed was made by the one who built yours, but if its just someone random, that's completely uncalled for, and makes you just as bad as the one who destroyed YOUR building.

I of course don't speak for the admins at all, but in my opinion I would be alittle cautious about unbanning, incase you end up doing the same again. Especially since it was completely deliberate, and not any sort of accident...
Yeah it was a randoms building, like i said after seeing my building ruined i went off in my temper because i did spend about an hour or more on that. But yeah i also said i love to build, the server is probably one of the nicest servers avaliable, i enjoyed the amount of time i spent on the server.

I'm appealing, not really begging to be unbanned. also it would seem a little useless to appeal, grief, then get banned again. thanks for replying.
I'd also like to mention another time when i "Griefed" another player, i saw a swastika under construction so i took on my self to intervene.
I don't know if that was the appropriate action but i knew swastikas are against the rules as the same to griefing...fighting fire with fire.

However, still interested in appealing my ban, hopefully i can get back in and start building again :D
In my opinion, you deserved the ban. Just because someone griefed you doesn't give you free will to become the enemy yourself. You spent an hour or so on your creation and only found chunks missing (which I'm sure could have been repaired in about 5 minutes), what if the person YOU griefed spent TWO hours on their creation?

I'm no admin, but if I were and had a vote, I'd say you be banned for a few weeks so you can learn to control your temper.

ps: In the future, don't try and circumvent your ban by using a different username. It just makes you look stupid.