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Apply to be a member of the Eagle Pass guard here.


Well-Known Member
If you would like to be a member of the Eagle Pass guard, please fill out this application.
Minecraft Name:
How long have you been on the server?:
Why would you be a good candidate?:
Do you have Eagle Pass build permissions?:
Minecraft Name: mdukey
How long have you been on the server?: Well Classic, like a long time.. For Beta, I have been on and off for a couple of weeks + a month. I've been going on everyday lately.
Why would you be a good candidate?: Because sometimes I have nothing to do in Beta, this will help the server and help you guys out so there will hopefully be no rule breakers.
Do you have Eagle Pass build permissions?: Yes, I do.
I would like to apply for the Imperial Guard! I've been on the server for quite some time now, (not entirely sure how long, but definitely over 2 months). I currently have a build permit application up on the forums, waiting to be approved, so when that is approved I'll be ready for duty! I think I will be a good Guard because I'm honest, helpful, kind and I love to run around doing practically nothing.

Thanks in advance,
I'd love to be part of the guard :D
Name: Hahz09leon
Server time: been playing maybe a month on survival? give or take a week
Why i wanna be in guard:
To tell you the truth it sounds very interesting (just heard of it around 30min before, kudos to zakkon), like the police force in EP, recently i've been hearing something about a painting thief? and also alot of griefing in EP. Would love to work with you guyz maybe as a neighbourhood watch kinda thing, because i've patrolled in classic quite a bit, moderating chat and helping aroung. Seems like an interesting bunch. Not sure about the system, maybe someone can reply with what everything is? i've heard of knight, soldier and minister of operations??? 0.o sounds cool.
EP permission: yesh am a resident in pyro bay


i want to be a guard
my mc name is stuart1996
ive been playing beta for a month and a halfish (lose track of time because the server is so good)
i want to be in the gaurd because i really want to help clean up the streets of greifers. also recently i was acused of being the painting theif,
i would like to help disprove that entirely and catch the real theif. i would not troll with my powers and would be responsible and polite.
i also would slay dog killers. they are really annoying.
i have a permit in ep, i own a shared lot with xam.
Minecraft name: TheXraptor

How long have I been on the server?: About a month

What would make me a good canidate?: I hate griefers, and love Eagle Pass. I want to help the Cydonian Empire in any way I can, and this seems to be the best way. I am usually a nice guy to be around.

Do I have a building permit?: It took almost three quarters of the time I have spent on the server, but yes.
Raptor, ThaProfessor makes the skins. It's just a base Guard skin, but with your face on it. Please be patient until he logs in. :D

Thanks Tshin! :]
Minecraft Username: babybacon
I have been a victem to greif many times losing a shop, and 2 house. So as you can imagen i hate greifers from the deepist deaps of my soul. I have ideas to expand the guards for example useing flint and steal to kill said griefer. I do not know the painting thief nor have i been a victem of him but if i could help i will. be aware that i will modify the guard skin to nether standereds so if you dont like this please tell. I could also be your personal redstone worker of the guards seeing that redstone is my currant job. I have been on the sever for about a month so i am no noob acept for a few unessesary /lwc's. To give me the skin email at [email protected]
I hope to sever the EP imperial guards soon
from babybacon
I've been 4 tomatoes on this server
2 time world champion for the WWE
my ingamename can't find Texas on the map
There is no spoon
The cow jumped over the moon
And can I have an extra fries on the go?

This is my permit application... how about making me an honest sandvvich? :D
I've been 4 tomatoes on this server
2 time world champion for the WWE
my ingamename can't find Texas on the map
There is no spoon
The cow jumped over the moon
And can I have an extra fries on the go?
I couldnt find your username ether on the map wtf

This is my permit application... how about making me an honest sandvvich? :D