Baby Yoga- AKA "Baby Swinging"??


Well-Known Member
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There is a video included in the link (watch it so you know what this is all about!).

So yeah, it's a real thing. Apparently, you swing newborns (from 2 weeks old to several months old) around the air by their arms and legs, and the idea is to help the babies become mobile at a earlier age, and to "toughen" the babies up. Proponents of this (mostly Russians, no surprise there) also believe in dunking the babies in ice-cold water (wtf, why?).

Seriously, is this baby torture or is there really some legitimate science behind it? Can it really help build up the muscle mass in the babies legs and arms, or can it seriously hurt the cartilage in the baby?

You may be slightly disturbed at the video, but is our disturbance based on the American "helicopter parents" mentality and over-protectiveness? Or is it a legitimate concern?
Click here.

There is a video included in the link (watch it so you know what this is all about!).

So yeah, it's a real thing. Apparently, you swing newborns (from 2 weeks old to several months old) around the air by their arms and legs, and the idea is to help the babies become mobile at a earlier age, and to "toughen" the babies up. Proponents of this (mostly Russians, no surprise there) also believe in dunking the babies in ice-cold water (wtf, why?).

Seriously, is this baby torture or is there really some legitimate science behind it? Can it really help build up the muscle mass in the babies legs and arms, or can it seriously hurt the cartilage in the baby?

You may be slightly disturbed at the video, but is our disturbance based on the American "helicopter parents" mentality and over-protectiveness? Or is it a legitimate concern?

to be honest, this is pretty fucked up; as far as i know, there is no legit proof that this helps the babies. at all. And to further my point, lemme give you this fact:

It was until after the 1980's that anesthesia was used on infants/babies; it was the "Scientific opinion" that infants did not feel pain, and would not go into shock from pain; Therefore they would do surgeries, including open heart surgeries on infants without anesthesia because they saw no danger/harm. this "Baby yoga" sounds pretty close to this as well.
Ugh I keep thinking of the damn ninja baby. But yeah....... If it works for them, greaaaaat... I'm just all the nope with this since there is one hell of a big chance of 'shaken baby syndrome' with this kind of craziness.
A similar technique has been used by the traditional "granny" midwives of India for several hundred years. After doing some research of my own, that style of training has indeed existed for quite some time in Russia as well.