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Ban Appeal


Can you please ban Pyrofiredelta, he was pushing me into water while i was AFK (so i light him on fire because my PvP was off), He is in our town pushing us to give him the land! Can you please help! ! !
You must name it "Ban request" .
Perhaps you should consider to not accuse yourself as burning people without
PvP is a bannable offence. ;)
Can you please ban Pyrofiredelta, he was pushing me into water while i was AFK (so i light him on fire because my PvP was off), He is in our town pushing us to give him the land! Can you please help! ! !

Hey Callum - where's your proof?

Now please - stop lighting people on fire. Kthxbai.
i never even pushed you. nor did u fall into water while afk. I wasnt even near you or online when u were afk.

AND i do not want your land, it was simply that you claimed over other peoples towns that were still earning money to claim. i was there when the structures were built.
Pyro, i think you are only making this ban appeal because i made one!

He's saying this because the correct term is: "Ban Request". Ban appeal is the request of a banned person trying to get unbanned. ;)

But i made this mistake before, too.
(so i light him on fire because my PvP was off), He is in our town pushing us to give him the land! Can you please help! ! !
First off all, hitting people with lava without having PvP on is a bannable offense. You already have a ban request with 6 pages of posts on it with people eagerly supporting you getting banned. I'm almost certain you're going to be banned anyway, its already pretty well known you've broken this lava rule a ton of times.

Also, how about disconnecting when you go AFK? Or maybe at least go into a safe place? Don't make a thread about AFK trouble, it just makes you look ignorant and hypocritical.

You have little ground in making a ban *request* if you already have multiple of the same against you.