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Ban Appeal

I just got banned for apparently 'Setting up a random server' promoting said server and also using vulgar language!
This came as a shock to me, especially since I haven't been on minecraft for at least two months on the classic server. I do however use the "Remember me" option at the login in screen. So it is possible, and I can only assume, it was my brother.
I sincerely apologize for this, and I assure you I have learned to never use the "Remember me" option ever again.

I realize the difficultly you may have in accepting my story, as the 'blame game' seems to be the number one excuse on the thread. The only way I can think of supporting myself is with evidence of previous good activity.

Screenshot of a griefer I caught. The rest are the screenshots of things I have previously made.

Once again I apologize for any grievances caused, and ask you to please give me a chance to prove to you, the true, good natured player that I am.
Look at it from our side regarding your actions in Alpha. We see you come on yesterday. You start using vulgar language and insulting people on our server. The next day you log on claiming no knowledge and blaming your brother. I just don't believe your brother randomly logged on yesterday and somehow found our server, the same server you decided to go on the next day after not being on Minecraft for 2 months. Not to mention you said you hadn't been online in about a year in the alpha chat today, so which is it?

In either case. Even if it was your brother. How can we trust you now? You can't keep your account secure, how do we know someone won't access your account again and destroy some of the creations our server builders have built.
My brother plays on Tk9 servers also. After talking to him yesterday, he explained to me that he was to lazy to sign out of my account and into his.He then proceeded to troll believing it would be funny, and that no harm would be caused. My login information for this website is stored in my security keychain(Along with every other website that requires a password) This explains the thread promoting the 'RWB' server..and also, I found out. The 'I love my dog' comment.We don't own a dog... :/
My brother plays on Tk9 servers also. After talking to him yesterday, he explained to me that he was to lazy to sign out of my account and into his.He then proceeded to troll believing it would be funny, and that no harm would be caused. My login information for this website is stored in my security keychain(Along with every other website that requires a password) This explains the thread promoting the 'RWB' server..and also, I found out. The 'I love my dog' comment.We don't own a dog... :/

Woot may not agree with me on this, but whether it was your brother or not shouldn't matter. You are responsible for your account, and now it's a risk to let you on our servers because we don't know if you can keep your account to yourself. What will stop your brother from using it again to cause problems?
Woot may not agree with me on this, but whether it was your brother or not shouldn't matter. You are responsible for your account, and now it's a risk to let you on our servers because we don't know if you can keep your account to yourself. What will stop your brother from using it again to cause problems?

He could just threaten to belt him....Anyways, i dont have save password and i always log off when i leave the room just incase my older brother comes and and messes around with the computer.
Woot may not agree with me on this, but whether it was your brother or not shouldn't matter. You are responsible for your account, and now it's a risk to let you on our servers because we don't know if you can keep your account to yourself. What will stop your brother from using it again to cause problems?

It's simple a matter of unchecking the option to remember my password. My brother doesn't actually know what my password is. It just always logged on automatically, no need for username, no need for the password.
By unchecking that 'remember me' option you now have to enter the password EVERY time you log in. Since I now have to enter the password each time I log into MC, and my brother doesn't know the password. He can no longer use my account. So this type of thing will NEVER happen again.

Even if you are skeptical about unbanning me, please just give me a chance. Im only home at the weekends. Just give me one weekend unbanned and if ANYTHING happens you can ban me straight away.

For future log-ins I could make an admin aware that i'm online and you can keep a close eye on me!
Wait I'm confused here, so your brother made an account on a random website and then logged onto your minecraft account and your forum account and spammed everyone with adverts to join that server?
No. When my brother opened the application Minecraft he was automatically logged into my account. He knows about the T9k server and this website. When you enter Team9000 into the url on my laptop you were already signed in. Because (as I said) the login information WAS stored in my security keychain. He never made an account for this website, I never said he did.
Yes.He joined some random guys server (unknown to me) and then used my account to advertise that server on this website.(Also unknown)

Basically this fiasco all happened because the login information for both Minecraft and this website, was stored on my laptop.Now that this information is no longer stored on my laptop my brother can't use either my MC account OR my T9k.net account again.
So this type of thing will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.
No. When my brother opened the application Minecraft he was automatically logged into my account. He knows about the T9k server and this website. When you enter Team9000 into the url on my laptop you were already signed in. Because (as I said) the login information WAS stored in my security keychain. He never made an account for this website, I never said he did.
Yes.He joined some random guys server (unknown to me) and then used my account to advertise that server on this website.(Also unknown)

Basically this fiasco all happened because the login information for both Minecraft and this website, was stored on my laptop.Now that this information is no longer stored on my laptop my brother can't use either my MC account OR my T9k.net account again.
So this type of thing will NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN.

You were banned as it was explained to me for 'being a troll in out alpha'

I suggest you don't do any trolling or griefing...next time we won't be understanding.

Issue Resolved.