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ban request for italay91

The Evidence against Italay is to little, no-one on this thread has serious evidence. It does not mean its not true, but it is unfair, treating other people in this way is serious dis-respect to him and it may upset him, or anger him, and as you are "labelling" as an un-lawful killer this may retort him into actually becoming one, you are kind of pressuring him to it. He may be annoying to your group, but a majority of players enjoy his company, including myself.
I saw italay set one of my residents on fire with my own eyes. He is guilty and there is no defending him. He is now an enemy and if he doesn't get banned he will remain an enemy until further notice.
The Evidence against Italay is to little, no-one on this thread has serious evidence. It does not mean its not true, but it is unfair, treating other people in this way is serious dis-respect to him and it may upset him, or anger him, and as you are "labelling" as an un-lawful killer this may retort him into actually becoming one, you are kind of pressuring him to it. He may be annoying to your group, but a majority of players enjoy his company, including myself.

I watched italay kill a person in full diamond armor with my own eyes. He has already broken two rules, and is trying to get the victim banned!
I have just tried to go in a tower that Italay thought was mine. A guy named Doug made it last night and everything of his is in there. hes just claiming out and not building just to take over everyone area. I made a house last night near there and its claimed with a door on it!! this guy really has to be stopped. when we all were in the town last night Italay's town he did set me on fire as well. I dont know how much this guy has done but I didnt have a problem with him untill he clamed a house I made, then claimed a tower that He saw doug make, and claimed it.
Okay, Did he mention trying to push me into lava whilst i was AFK? and pushing the towns people about?! I had too do that because he was going it cand half of them he did to himself! He and Quanix are angry we build on wilderness!
CAN you please help our town! They constantly come and try to kill ous (whilst we talk or are AFK) he constantly trolls about the town blaming us!!!

I did set fire to him because A) he did it to me B) They where pushin us in lava!?
Unfornately no pics :( Can i please get a chance to explain myself rather than be demonised by the outlaws?
I watched italay kill a person in full diamond armor with my own eyes. He has already broken two rules, and is trying to get the victim banned!

And see him Kill me?
Since it doesn't pertain to my previous post, I'll do a new one. Everyone for his ban should know that he claimed that pyro was using exploits that encased him in lava, and tried to get ConroD to ban pyro. ConroD said that if Italay so much as says it again, ConroD would ban pyro. Of course, Italay is just bring a kittle piece if crap, and a ton of us piped up about this thread. Jut something to be on the lookout for if you go into questioning.

EDIT: I do not in any way har anything against the town that Callum was part of, I just want the Arbor's Justice to be executed upon Italay himself.

again read above
Since it doesn't pertain to my previous post, I'll do a new one. Everyone for his ban should know that he claimed that pyro was using exploits that encased him in lava, and tried to get ConroD to ban pyro. ConroD said that if Italay so much as says it again, ConroD would ban pyro. Of course, Italay is just bring a kittle piece if crap, and a ton of us piped up about this thread. Jut something to be on the lookout for if you go into questioning.

EDIT: I do not in any way har anything against the town that Callum was part of, I just want the Arbor's Justice to be executed upon Italay himself.
the lava thing is bs. I never used an exploit, nor did i use lava. He was never incased in lava. he probably just tried to use it to get me banned.
The funny thing is, he's trying to act innocent with me in attempts to make me take down the ban request.
/\ to reinforce the above, he could have done that to himself plus i gave him water, i was only warning him, becuase he was going it to me! CAN YOU PLEASE QUIT IT IN OUR TOWN?!
the lava thing is bs. I never used an exploit, nor did i use lava. He was never incased in lava. he probably just tried to use it to get me banned.
The funny thing is, he's trying to act innocent with me in attempts to make me take down the ban request.

You were pushing me, i warned you but you dismissed it so i set you alight!
everyone pvp's in the area that he claimed his town. we have no where to pvp now. the area outside of woodkeep, beside New creeper city, and beside Caprica transit, was I thought to be the unsaid unclaimable pvp area. of course people can claim anywhere but his constant expansion is just to claim others towers around his town.
I do not know why everyone is so angry and why so many people are lieing but what I do know is this:
Italay91 is a fine minecraft player who respects others and tries to get along with everyone he meets. He has been here for a long time and he always keeps his cool around annoying noob (alot more than I can say for my self;)
This whole pvp thing is probably causing all of this confusion I have no idea why it was even put into this sever in the first place. My final statement is that italay91 did not do anything wrong. If anyone did anything wrong it was the anger of players who have become outlaws and cannot join cities. For that is the truth.

P.S. Excuse any grammar mistakes I made I learned my grammar from a mudkip.
You were pushing me, i warned you but you dismissed it so i set you alight!

You were in his town. He shouldn't have had to listen to you. Don't spread the B.S that it is your outpost. You claimed part of a town that wasn't claimed yet. Just because you claim land, doesn't mean everything currently inside it is yours. There have been multiple cases of this.
This is fucking ridiculous. I saw Italay kill a person with my own eyes. The best part is he killed a person who wanted his town back after italay claimed a chunk of it.
Italay91 should not be bann!! time he has killed but it was for a good purpose. he claimed at another town but he would never do that again in his life if he knew he would get bann. strongly disagree with banning him thx:D
Italay91 should not be bann!! time he has killed but it was for a good purpose. he claimed at another town but he would never do that again in his life if he knew he would get bann. strongly disagree with banning him thx:D

It was NOT for a good purpose. He killed a person who was demanding a chunk of his town back!