Battlefield 3

i can't wait, i read the article in gameinformer magazine and it describes everything, and i still play modern combat and battlefeild 2 all the time
Two new episodes for the episodic series 'Fault Line'.

Battlefield 3 Fault Line Gameplay Trailer Episode II: Good Effect On Target

Battlefield 3 Fault Line Gameplay Trailer Episode III: Get that Wire Cut
Well yeah that's true I do prefer the keyboard and mouse at times too but at the same time I can't really afford to keep upgrading my computer's hardware.
sincerely, i dont always see the reason behind the 'Expensive' Tag people place on the PC. No one is forcing you to upgrade your computer more than once every 2 years. I own a 9800GT and it carries all the weight today's graphics bring with an ease
sincerely, i dont always see the reason behind the 'Expensive' Tag people place on the PC. No one is forcing you to upgrade your computer more than once every 2 years. I own a 9800GT and it carries all the weight today's graphics bring with an ease

People usually don't replace gaming consoles ever. And plus the next gen games are always forcing people to get new graphics cards and parts.
Consoles come out every decade or so, but computers will always need upgrades... unless you have alienware you're set for life...

PC gaming has always been more expensive and will always be. But hell, at least its cheaper than smoking a pack a day.
People usually don't replace gaming consoles ever. And plus the next gen games are always forcing people to get new graphics cards and parts.
Consoles come out every decade or so, but computers will always need upgrades... unless you have alienware you're set for life...

PC gaming has always been more expensive and will always be. But hell, at least its cheaper than smoking a pack a day.

Its also better than smoking a pack a day. PC Gaming is always a step ahead, though.
People usually don't replace gaming consoles ever. And plus the next gen games are always forcing people to get new graphics cards and parts.
Consoles come out every decade or so, but computers will always need upgrades... unless you have alienware you're set for life...

PC gaming has always been more expensive and will always be. But hell, at least its cheaper than smoking a pack a day.

So, its actually every 5 years for consoles, and the only reason the 360 and ps3 have gone as long as they have is because they were made with bleeding edge tech at the time to carry it so many years. On release they are 400+ bucks. I can build a system from scratch utilizing your keyboard mouse harddrives and monitor but buy the rest new and beat 400 bucks. Youd get just many years out of it as you would a console. The reason its expensive is because people buy the tech when its brand spanking new. Wait a year and buy the second to latest gen out and you get budget prices with new gen power. I currently own a gtx460 which is right behind the gtx500 series but paid less than half of what the gtx500's cost but get 98% of the gtx500's preformance. (When the 360 was released, it was with the 7000 series Nvidia card level preformance 7000 lead to 8000 then to 9000 then the 200's then 400 and now the 500's. As you can see lots of new tech has come about. The 8000's are still strong cards which is why the 360 lasted as long as it did, but its time for an upgrade.)

Upgrading is actually cheap if you know what youre doing.

You are also talking about consoles being cheaper than PC's, yes this may be true until you understand that Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at (lets say for easy math) 10 bucks profit. Where they make up for what they lose on consoles, is the games. Companies pay lisences for each console, typically a flat fee, of (for easy math) 2 mill. EA for example, will then pass the savings on to the consumer 60-70 bucks a game where PC consumers pay 45-55. Console gamers (in my experience) tend to own more titles than PC gamers. Lets say its a around 20 more titles, which equates to 200 more bucks spent making up for what Sony and Microsoft lost on their consoles which takes your console from 400 (for easy math) to 600 which is the price of a basic system that runs all new games at very decent settings.

After seeing that, you still think consoles are less? To me, its a wash. It doesnt matter what you game on, its all the same, with the only exception being if you game with your thumbs or hands.

It depends alot on what you have and what you want to play. BF3 is likely to empty everyones pockets if they want to play smooth, crisp, clear gameplay with low framerates.

No, a 9800 GT can still run almost on part with my GTX460 which is 2 gens newer. The only thing its lacking is the amount of processing pipes and Cuda cores that my GTX460 has. Hell my 8600 GS with 348 megs of ram runs SCII on high settings with absolutely no lag. Cutting edge game on 5 gens of tech ago and it still runs like a champ?! The thing is, most people bought dells with built in gpu's that cant handle the loads that a PCI-E slot card like the 8600,9800,460 or 560's can. More memory, more bandwith, more horsepower. Had people been informed properly about their purchasing choices, their systems would still be running on top of their game. I use my 8600 GS as phsyx now but an almost 6(?) year old card running the latest blizzard game, tells ya something.

Sorry for the wall of text but I hate how miss-informed people are about this topic. I advocate neither PC nor console, I just prefer mouse and keyboard to thumbs. That being said, for the last 6 years, consoles have been driving gamming innovation across all plateforms. PC's driving the innovation market is starting to come back around. It will be like this, consoles and PC's will take turns driving innovation as one leaps past the other in tech. The 4th gen xbox and ps will no doubt take back their drivers seat in a couple years.

In the end, all I care about is innovation. I want new, I want better, and I dont really care what drives it as long as I get to play it.

PS - OnTopic - I can not wait for BF3. Looks sick. 2011 is def the gamers heaven. I have too many titles to grab and not enough wallet to grab them with.
Nitpicking that wall of text, starcraft 2 isn't exactly cutting edge, blizzard makes games for a large range of people, they don't aim for top notch hardware
Nitpicking that wall of text, starcraft 2 isn't exactly cutting edge, blizzard makes games for a large range of people, they don't aim for top notch hardware

Apparently you havent played it on ultra settings. Even still, my 8600 is a champ in its own right but with newer games coming out, the 6 year old card got replaced by a 6 month old card for less than half of the 1 week old Newest gen. Again, I am just all for keyboard and mice, my thumbs are dumb as post's.
I may have to pre-order this game for the 360 just because the rest of my family plays the 360 and not the PC. If I were to buy it for the PC, I'd deffinitely be putting in effort to upgrade my current PC or build a new one. I think if I went the PC route, I'd wind up paying more just to to play one game.
my 9800GT takes on all the new game releases with a breeze, and thats at least 2-3 years old hardware were talking about. If i get BF3 to work smoothly on moderate to high graphics on this card then you all fail at money math.