Bet you didn't see this comin'


Well-Known Member
I sure hope you guys remember me! My life since leaving T9k (whenever that was) was complicated. In the middle of 2012 I started to get more involved with Team Fortress 2, and less with T9k. It became certain that the ONLY game I ever play is TF2. And by the time I graduated High School in 2013 I went through this weird phase of "Fuck it I don't want any socialization with anyone it's just me hurr".

So I pretty much just played TF2 and never really talked to anyone (even on my Steam friends list, only occasionally). I do have a job and I also go to college now which made me very busy lately, and gave me barely any time to at least go to the T9k website (I would just go home and play TF2). But to be honest, TF2 was my cocaine. I couldn't stop playing it. I think the reason is that it actually was my first ever MMO First Person Shooter (Not lying!).

I mean, after I made my Steam account in 2011 (The same year I joined this site), I learned about PC Gaming and it was great. I loved it. Earlier I realized it was my laziness that kept me from going back to T9k. I was addicted to TF2 and really it was the only thing on my mind every day. So sorry about that! I'll be posting on this site more often and talking to moar friends! While still playing TF2 of course, and joining game nights.

I dunno what the hell happened to me over the past year but all I know now is FUCK THAT SHIT. I TOLD MYSELF I WOULD RETURN ONE DAY AND GOD DAMN IT I AM BACK ONCE MORE AND THIS TIME...I AM HERE TO STAY! And you all thought you got rid of me...


You can either believe that story or believe this one:
I actually was leading the fight in the 1/4th WAR. This war supposedly started when one of my DarkPrimes decided to rebel against me and my army. This corrupt DarkPrime was actually DarkPrime24, the one who ruled before me. He knew that when I was created his reign would end since 25 was the last number of our clan.

He didn't want me to rule for all eternity, so he gathered DarkPrimes 12 - 23. while I gathered DarkPrimes 2 - 11. The original DarkPrime is dead, for he created us all, and his wisdom would carry on to his sons.

But he never expected a conflict like this...
The war had begun. Blood was everywhere, the battle lasted for 1 year (1/4th of 4 years). And in the end, only me and DarkPrime24 remained. The final battle was at hand and I fucked him. The end.

Documentary of the horribly edited with terrible effects and zoom-ins battle below:

Plus I'm 18 now so I can go on Mumble with the big boys. Mmmm mmmmm.

If you seriously read and watched all of that ^ I am proud of you.