Big Site Changes

On an unrelated fun note, if you open your javascript console on the test site, you can see how far out of sync your system clock is by comparing the two times shown.
NOO! How else will my great great great grandmother browse team9000 now?!

I'll have you know my workplace still uses IE8 and is very begrudgingly moving towards IE10. Only a few branches are test sites for IE10. Coincidentally, we're a test site, and the page loads fine on IE10.

Please don't stop support for IE10. Pretty please.
I'll have you know my workplace still uses IE8 and is very begrudgingly moving towards IE10. Only a few branches are test sites for IE10. Coincidentally, we're a test site, and the page loads fine on IE10.

Please don't stop support for IE10. Pretty please.

Luckily for you, IE10 is not terrible regarding the list of things I need support for.
- HTML5 History API
- CSS Transitions
- Content-Security-Policy
- CSS Pseudo elements and css3 selectors (ie8 lacking these is why I dropped support for it)

IE10 supports them all.
It works both on mobile and on my computer (chrome for both). the load times for mobile are a tad slow but then again I'm on an iphone 4 still. Not a huge fan of the ads but if they where there before then I don't really see any issues. I recommend more backgrounds and also the sonic is cut off like other people have said.
WIll amazon give you a percentage of purchases made by clicking your link?
I believe they pay a bit to whoever brought them to the site with the tag. Not sure how much of a percentage is paid though. Or how Amazon is even still running.

EDIT: Also for Kindle Fire default browser I just get taken to and get a blank screen.
Or how Amazon is even still running.
Because they're a great, reliable website compared to the disgusting unwashed anus that is eBay.

Edit: Worked for me on Kindle Fire HDX's default Silk Browser

On Dolphin Browser for Kindle Fire, everything worked except for the cool Background.

Links were responsive, etc.
It's also important to note that this is NOT going to be the new homepage. Rather, this is a test to make sure shit's working as planned for the planned platforms. The name is highly misleading.
This page has been used solely for my personal homepage and has no other purpose. It was never meant to be public.
No no no that makes sense and you explained it in the first post. I understand that it has no relation to t9k other than name. Also since it is your personal homepage I would suggest putting more sites that you visit on it. (why have the new tab page when you can have that awesome piece of awesomeness there). but yea the layout is fine nothing to annoying and quite honestly (I know they are not ads now) the um links are just the right size for the screen :D

also yes chiba I understand :)
New test for the new login system:

Visit the page, and you should see five lines appear. All the old= and new= should have numbers next to them, except for maybe the VERY FIRST old=.

If you do not see any messages, or any numbers are missing, please let me know.
New test for the new login system:

Visit the page, and you should see five lines appear. All the old= and new= should have numbers next to them, except for maybe the VERY FIRST old=.

If you do not see any messages, or any numbers are missing, please let me know.
All of them have a sequence of numbers, including the first "old="
New test for the new login system:

Visit the page, and you should see five lines appear. All the old= and new= should have numbers next to them, except for maybe the VERY FIRST old=.

If you do not see any messages, or any numbers are missing, please let me know.

The very first "old=" does not have any numbers next to it. All of the others do, and they appear to be sequential.